I have spent the whole of my youth doing things for others. I recently decided that this trend might be on the verge of taking a much-needed vacation. I cant keep helping everyone while my life passes me by. I have a dream of making my own company. A company that begins with a small retail shop and eventually turning itself into a corporate venture. This idea, this dream, may just be that which saves me. Unfortunately for some it means they are going to lose me. I cant take care of my mom forever. I cant keep doing it; my life is passing me by. It makes me feel like a horrible person, but I need to continue in a direction that will make or break me. This life right nowthis is breaking me. I have never felt more unfulfilled. The last 5 years I have worked for a corporation and I have passed through various levels of work with them. I have been the lowest of the totem pole and I have been a supervisor, I even lead a pilot team to develop a whole new area for the company. What did I get out of this; well I did prove to myself that I am an effective leader. I am not good at being lead, call it my lack of confidence in others, but I have always been the take control guy. However the last few years have also been a complete waste of my time, because while I sat back and collected my hourly wages and figured out how to solve problems for this company the one I have always wanted sat in the dust. My idea became some dim idea that I started losing concentration on. So I believe it is time to grab control of the idea and see where it takes me. I am ready to sacrifice everything and let the gods take me where they may. So after I write this its back to making a business plan. The vision on paper so I can convince someone I am sitting on a goldmine so that they want to lend me money to dig the mine and pull out its profit. Back to the drawing board
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