Someone got some pictures... oorah.
First SG then the world! Bwahahaha.
Ok. Yeah... no.
Wow... I need sleep.
I'll post some pictures later but to see them all, you'll have to check out "Talena" once Missy puts me up.
Stay wicked my lovely children.
lol you cant turn us all into little bitch boys, i have too much partying left in me to become anyones bitch
gooooo on, give me a country, the smallest one or something
Today I'm picking up the pictures and sending them to Missy. Hopefully my SG profile will be up within a few days. Look for me! It'll be under Talena. It's not up yet (I'm assuming because I haven't sent in pictures). It should be pretty sweet.
New goal for 2006: Hunt Dave Navarro down... tie him up... do bad things to him... then make him... Read More
I met him here at a show in LA. the rest is history. It also helped that he actually wanted to shoot me. He's very nice. I had a great time shooting with him. He really did a fantastic job for a guy with no photography experience.
I just uploaded a lot of photos to the albums. Check them out. They're a lot clearer and less shittier than my main picture. Also got some shit in there for you whip lovers. lol.
I've noticed that the less sleep I get, the emptier my bank account becomes.
I've just joined SG and have applied to become a model. I'm still figuring out the ins and outs of this site so forgive me if I'm a bit retarded. No, on second thought, don't forgive me. Fuck you if you were getting already to forgive me. Fuck you, you fucking... Read More