So its been awhile guys. I have about 8 and 1/2 months left in the army. I dont really ever know what to talk about so im just going to try and catch you all up to date on my life since my last blog. In December i went home on leave and had a blast. I got to see both of my best friends that are in the Marine Corps and i havent seen either one of them in about two years. One of them is getting married in September and im to be the best man so i have to get approval for that. My other best friend gets out the the Marine Corp a month after i get out of the army and we have decided to live together when we get out. Not alot has happened since then except bullshit, i sit at work all day and do nothing until its time to do pt and then i go home. Tonight i cooked dinner for the first time in a long while and im kiinda excited
anyways thats it for now. Ill try to write more often and keep you all updated on my life

that;s cool you have someone to move in with. What did you make for dinner?
Thanks for that. :]