Quick update: I've moved! I'm in Philly, w00t! I don't have internet yet so I'm updating from Gitte's, my bestest friend who just happens to live right upstairs from me! My apartment is way tiny, but it's cozy and I will be very happy in it. All of the stuff in it is brand spankin new, i even have a garbage disposal and dishwasher!! don't laugh, that stuff is awesome when you eat a lot of veggies and don't want your garbage to smell, and when you HATE doing dishes.
my finger is a lot better. but i got my lip pierced and it now is swollen, ew... ok well gotta go for now, send me love <3
my finger is a lot better. but i got my lip pierced and it now is swollen, ew... ok well gotta go for now, send me love <3

Congrats on the new place! I was gonna get my lip pierced too but im scuuuured....i know, im a pussy....

Congrats lady, I miss you in chat!