I completely understand why you would choose life, if I had real life friends I'd want to spend time with them too.
I hope that one day:
The photography in the travel books I torture myself with will be yours.
The art that I'm pretending to understand so as to impress my date will be yours.
The organic jam that I'll be enjoying on my scones actually I'm too tight to shell out for imported organic jam.
I shall further ponder your theory of dance facilitated thought (the next time I'm miserably watching those less inhibited enjoying themselves) and I have not forgotten my promise to drop you off in 1920s Paris once my time machine is completed (physicists be damned).
In short, the very best of luck for all of your endeavors my fellow Islander.
It's all good. I'm moving to the Caribbean in 5 days for similar reasons.
I hope that one day:
The photography in the travel books I torture myself with will be yours.
The art that I'm pretending to understand so as to impress my date will be yours.
The organic jam that I'll be enjoying on my scones actually I'm too tight to shell out for imported organic jam.
I shall further ponder your theory of dance facilitated thought (the next time I'm miserably watching those less inhibited enjoying themselves) and I have not forgotten my promise to drop you off in 1920s Paris once my time machine is completed (physicists be damned).
In short, the very best of luck for all of your endeavors my fellow Islander.