I'm firmly convinced that, if money was eradicated from the face of the planet today, GummyBears would replace it as the standard currency.
Physicists said it is impossible to travel back in time;
Thus dashing all of my hopes of living in 1920-30s Paris.
I think that if we all collectively ignore them, it will make it possible again.
Current Location: on my way up...
Current Music: The Adjectives / Muddy Waters
Current Statistic: motivated procrastinator, etc.
It happened quite suddenly, and without the decency to provide warning. A spectacular loss of sensation; desiccating, with all the symptoms of collapsing under the force of its own gravity, in supernova fashion. I did not feel the skin draping my expanse, nor the friction between it and the cheap polyester sheets stained with inattention. My body
was the dark, empty bits of unoccupied outer space.
I felt nothing. I felt nothing but alive.