I just finished watching a sad movie. And that is why you are getting a political update....
human life is still worth less than possession of power
we are the slaves of today under fascist co-operation
structured to maintain the awareness and civilization we made
the lands we plundered and the cultures we raped
we are all a part of progression - the victims of a capitalist system
just statistics in history books that glorify the mass-murders and the genocide's
what we have changed - what we have accomplished in our strife for equality
oppression rules - money controls in a world where war is still economically beneficial for those in power
in a sexist, homophobic, rasist existence.......we still fight for freedom.
Capitalism is a serial killer...and we are it's victims.....
the innocence project
Life After Exoneration
after innocence
They who can give up essential liberties to obtain a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
I might be digging my own grave, though.