This is Natalia Verbeke.......
She is my new infatuation......
I think it has to do with the way she says "fuck"'s quite endearing....
Anyways. I'm still working towards getting a new computer. But moving and saving at the same time,
apparently isn't the bread to the other's butter.
But for now, The Rasputin Times will have to continue coming to you from the public library, and other assorted terminals.
Brief summary of life in it's current state:
- well i've already mentioned the pain-in-the-arse moving and computer let's fast forward
- apparently i'm marrying kim, my buddies room-mate. Which is odd, cause i don't remember asking her.
- The current lady is going back to school in that's the end of that.
- I've re-developed an addiction to lollipops.
- I watched a Warhol biography the other day, and not only do i like him even more, but recieved a self-confidence boost, as to my own stuff.
- i'm bored. bored bored bored. I want to start a new project. but i have no camera yet....only $600 to go!
- the biggest slut i know has apparently gone straight edge. i'm a little confused at his definition....but baby steps i guess.
- i'm very "c'est la vie" lately. I don't think i've planned my day in like a month. I'm becoming a wondering vagabond.
- i finally own every episode of Futurama. They will go right between Firefly and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. My dvd collection isn't exactly organised.
- love dots the i in kiss (i heard it last night, so i thought i'd pass it on.)
- i'm not angry/sad anymore over the thing. *high five me*
Well ladies and gents....that concluded our broadcast for today. Sorry it's not really interesting, but i'm working on a time limit these days...
better luck next time...
She is my new infatuation......
I think it has to do with the way she says "fuck"'s quite endearing....
Anyways. I'm still working towards getting a new computer. But moving and saving at the same time,
apparently isn't the bread to the other's butter.
But for now, The Rasputin Times will have to continue coming to you from the public library, and other assorted terminals.
Brief summary of life in it's current state:
- well i've already mentioned the pain-in-the-arse moving and computer let's fast forward
- apparently i'm marrying kim, my buddies room-mate. Which is odd, cause i don't remember asking her.
- The current lady is going back to school in that's the end of that.
- I've re-developed an addiction to lollipops.
- I watched a Warhol biography the other day, and not only do i like him even more, but recieved a self-confidence boost, as to my own stuff.
- i'm bored. bored bored bored. I want to start a new project. but i have no camera yet....only $600 to go!
- the biggest slut i know has apparently gone straight edge. i'm a little confused at his definition....but baby steps i guess.
- i'm very "c'est la vie" lately. I don't think i've planned my day in like a month. I'm becoming a wondering vagabond.
- i finally own every episode of Futurama. They will go right between Firefly and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. My dvd collection isn't exactly organised.
- love dots the i in kiss (i heard it last night, so i thought i'd pass it on.)
- i'm not angry/sad anymore over the thing. *high five me*
Well ladies and gents....that concluded our broadcast for today. Sorry it's not really interesting, but i'm working on a time limit these days...
better luck next time...
yeah its from that episode!!
i just saw kristen bell on leno tonight (yes...i actually watched leno) good lord that girl makes me swoon. plus she's the world's sexiest vegetarian.