I don't think it has come out of Radio Rasputin for the last week.......and has been played around once a day, for the last month.
If you don't have it.....you should.
Because you must like all the things i like...
It's the rules...
I know all of you are on the edge of your seat, raring with anticipation, to hear little morsels of my oh so exciting life.
Well prepare to hear the update equivalent of Glitter...;
That's right........nothing...
I took some shifts off work this week....and caught up on some desperately sought after hibernation.
that's it.......
And seeing as i have no idea who took this photo, and when...i think i made the right choice.
I am boring, i know. But this is what you get for trying hard...
NOTE TO SELF: go back to being lazy...
I did go down to S.O.S/Totally Wired....or whatever they eventually decide on calling it...
Seeing how i haven't been to there or Mod Club in ages, i thought it would be nice to go say hello to everyone...
Everyone was off listening to popular music there, instead of listening to popular music here.
So i just hung out with Jenny,
And myself,
And enjoyed the fact, that we could listen to just the songs we wanted to hear, on a big system...
Even casey wasn't there...
He was 'sick'.....
methinks this sickness is that 'girlfriendwantstohavesex' flu that's been going around...
cause i saw him riding his bike all healthy the day before...
hahaha....sneaky fuck....
that's all i got....
other than some personal stuff...
But i would rather just keep that to myself.
PS Check out MAXIMO PARK as well...