Sabrina was on late night tv last night....
Sometimes i wish i was a 50's movie star.....
So that i could seduce that woman....
I had today, and yesterday off.
It was good to catch up on sleep, so tragically lost to a case of hard work....
Let us all have a moment of silence.....................done.
This morning, i woke up filled with inspiration.
I started working on my book, for the first time since before St. Patricks Day. And boy, am i filled with thoughts and inspiration....
I wrote 27 pages.....this morning alone.
Don't get me wrong. It's not like i haven't been doing anything since patty's day. I've gotten out about 62 poems since then. I just haven't worked on the book.
But enough about how fantastically creative i am...
I had a mixed adventure of a weekend....
I did nothing but work.
I heard something i never wanted to hear.
My best friend might be coming to town to visit.
And I found some un-used canvas in my closet last night.
All today, i've had the burning desire to don an all white panama suit, and paint on the patio of a small house, on the coast of a remote tropical island.
I want to go somewhere new for a little while, for a change of scene....
Who wants to have me as a guest?...
i promise i'm a terrible influence, and am not house trained...
We shall have good times of eccentric triviality, as well as deep philosophical conversations on any topic of your choosing...
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,
i haven't read that in too long...

Sometimes i wish i was a 50's movie star.....
So that i could seduce that woman....
I had today, and yesterday off.
It was good to catch up on sleep, so tragically lost to a case of hard work....
Let us all have a moment of silence.....................done.
This morning, i woke up filled with inspiration.
I started working on my book, for the first time since before St. Patricks Day. And boy, am i filled with thoughts and inspiration....
I wrote 27 pages.....this morning alone.
Don't get me wrong. It's not like i haven't been doing anything since patty's day. I've gotten out about 62 poems since then. I just haven't worked on the book.
But enough about how fantastically creative i am...
I had a mixed adventure of a weekend....
I did nothing but work.
I heard something i never wanted to hear.
My best friend might be coming to town to visit.
And I found some un-used canvas in my closet last night.
All today, i've had the burning desire to don an all white panama suit, and paint on the patio of a small house, on the coast of a remote tropical island.
I want to go somewhere new for a little while, for a change of scene....
Who wants to have me as a guest?...
i promise i'm a terrible influence, and am not house trained...
We shall have good times of eccentric triviality, as well as deep philosophical conversations on any topic of your choosing...
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,
i haven't read that in too long...
pps. you've moved around a lot.. lucky poo getting to live in the caribbean. thats awsome.
you will not get my fries. i swear it. and i would like lillies on my grave thankyou.
but just to let you know, i will shove all the fries in my mouth right before you try to kick my ass.
hopefully ill choke on them and die, cus then i would be happy.
i would be a great host. fuck, im good at everything. hahahahhahahah yah. maybe not...
ps. who said anything about me wanting your 'arse'?
pps. everybody knows you want mine.
ppps. if you come to visit im buying double stuf oreos right before we meet and im eating them allll in front of you.
pppps. if your lucky i might give you half of one.