Oh....the many times i almost woke up with a David Bowie tattoo off of the Aladdin Sane album....
But that was back in my partying days....
When i used to kick it with these guys:

p.s- Dale is a total Magnum P.I wannabe.....so am i though...
But enough digression...
I've been working too much.
I got all the bling bling now, but no time to spend it...
I'm working tomorrow morning till 5. Then tomorrow night till 3am. Then the next morning till 5. and then the next night till 3am. So....basically no sleep for the next 48 hours...
yummmm.....i can already taste the mood swings...
I took the second job to save up for something that i don't need to save for anymore. So right about now, i am asking myself why i still have it...
Maybe nostalgia.....
maybe because being to busy to think, is probally a good thing right now.
I don't like it though...
It's like there's something missing....or there is something that needs to be done...but i'm too confused to remember.
If only i couldn't remember...that would be grand...
Ooops....just got soppy there for a moment...pardon me..
buck up....stand straight....don't slouch...etc.
My friend is in hawaii, and she just sent me an email bragging about it. And telling me about the good surfing going down...I hate her right now...
Not a very interesting update, but i assure you....once i start this sleep deprived weeked...there will be many-a-things typed that will leave you saying,
"what the fuck is he...."
Th-tha-th-tha-th-that's all folks.....
Ginsberg is my litereary god, and anyone who can recognize him and/or his work (and even better, quote it, *drools*) is pretty damn great as far as my standards go. I live off of poetry. Actually, I thrive on the written word in any form.
I would have to agree that the brain is by far the sexiest part of the human anatomy, I couldn't care less about appearances.
I'm about as geeky as they come and damn proud of it.
Oooooh I Know is suuuuch a great song, so is Teenage Angst for that matter. I really like Broken promise too. YES Black Market Music is SUCH a fantastic album, I always have some Placebo album or song playing at one time or another. And by always I mean allthefcukingtime.
Bowie is the greatest!!! I saw him last year in Berkeley, coolest show ever.
I love Brining It All Back Home, but Freewheelin' and Highway 61 Revisited probably come as close as close can get to being my favorites. I'm a sucker for Don't Think Twice and Desolation Row. He does go back and forth and there is no one specific era that's better because they're all just so good. The first 4 are undoubtedly his best. Hands down.
And why thank you. You are quite fantastic yourself.
[Edited on May 01, 2006 4:44PM]