What to say.....?
I've finally started doing some writing again...
Albeit, just poetry. Nothing really amazing..
I won't bore you with details of how artistic and creative i am.
In all probability, i'm more than likely very bad at what i do anyways....so there's no need.
The last couple of days have been hectic, in more ways than i wish to recal.
I feel drained.....
I want to just lay in bed, and be comforted, and be told i'm doing well.....
That or relax inside of a sofa/blanket/chair fort.
Yes, i am one of those pathetic saps that need a support system. I am absent-minded, so i constantly feel like i'm forgetting something....
It's good for people like me, to have other people to remind them of things. If i didn't...really, i'd probally fall off a cliff.
I want these:
I am willing to lie/cheat/steal to get them....
If you own a pair...do not tell me or show me, cause i
will rob you...
If you have the same size foot, that is...
I layed on my glasses when i got home today, and almost had a heart attack thinking i broke them. I left them on my bed, cause i was reading.....why am i telling you this?...I have no idea....
Maybe cause i've run out of things to say...
I should stop updating when i am exausted, and my brain no longer wishes to function....
i get tattooed again next week though....*does footloose dance*
damn....i am really doing some boring updates these days...
♥ T ♥
but i'm liking you as my new friemd too