So my place is trashed.....
Not destroyed....but i can't take a step anywhere without hitting a bottle with my foot.
There are people passed out in places and positions i didn't even know was possible to fall asleep in.
And there is that morning-after-party stench wafting through the place.
Cigarette butts in the sink, as well as pots and pans.
The washroom faucet was still running when i went to take morning relief.
Thank fuck there isn't any sign/smell of sick anywhere.
There are however a billion pretzels on the couch....???
Seriously......what the fuck happend there?!
Well all in the name of a good time i guess.
I can say this relatively easily however...cause i don't have to clean up one fucking crumb.
Congratulation've won a day of scrubing and mopping.
Hahahaha...i'm such a bastard.
That's the best part about roomates who concieve, plan and have a party....and then invite tons of people you happen to know. All of the profits.....none of the taxes.
I stayed as long as i could....but i promised Casey i'd go hang out with him at Mod Club..and it was my friend Steph's birthday party as well. So it was an action packed Friday.
In other news: the streak of recent flirtation continues....
At the the the b'day....It doesn't seem to stop.
I don't think i've changed that much recently, and it all really abruptly started after the decline of the previously mentioned.
Seriously, i have no idea what is happening! If i was less of a man....i could be a total man-slut right now. Unfortunately for me.....i have morals.
I was practically stripped of my clothing at Mod Club. ???
I'm not famous.....why do you want my clothes?!?
Crazy canadians.....
Well it is 8:14 in the morning....and i just got home 20 minutes i need to go to bed.
I got to go visit my mom tomorrow, and my buddy's band is playing. Plus i got my uncle's funeral on i need my average-looking sleep.
untill we meet again.......
After reading xela's comment I've decided I need more funner/creativer friends. Uhh... yeah.
Because themed bashes would be ridiculously fun +o)