ok well we're gonna start this entry with the 17th of December....i went to go see give up the ghost and they were fucking amazing it was a total of 4 bands but i was really impressed with two of them needless to say gutg were insane crazy but what really caught my attention was a band from the netherlands called malkovich...they we're off the hook and the singer looked like axl rose with a black flag t-shirt on i bought their cd but it did them no justice they were amazing live keep an eye on these guys for lovers of hardcore music they might be the next big thing and moving on through the week i saw lotr return of the king and it was amazing i won't go into details because i wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone else but omg the special effects in this one are tremendous....well x-mas is just around the corner my oh my how time flies by soon it will be 2004 crazy well i hope everyone enjoys their holidays...
don't get too wasted

*stomps paws*
hey what's up? sorry this is so late but i completely forgot about having testimonials until just a few hours ago. i had no idea people had left me any past the first few that were left when it first started. oh well hope you didn't take offense at me not responding.
i'll always get back to you even if it might take freaking forever. thanks again.