I guess, when you sum it up, my man proposed to me last night, and I accepted.
I mean, it wasn't one of those saccharine romantic stories you read in magazines where the guy invents some ludicrous scheme in order to ask the girl to marry him. In fact, he hedged his bets by asking it in such a way that he could pass it off as a joke in case I didn't react well. But This question (and my affirmative answer of course) were not a surprise but a natural progression, I suppose. I'm very happy, not in the jump-up-and-down-screaming way, but the just-finished-a-hot-chocolate-in-front-of-the-fire sort of way, where a comforting warmth permeates your body from the center of your chest through the tips of your fingernails.
Obviously we're going to wait a couple years, til we get our shit together and we're not so fucking broke. There's no rush. Hopefully by then I'll have a clearer idea what I want to do with myself, and his music career will be more established. We want to elope; none of this horrific six months of planning and thousands of dollars down the drain just so my family can bitch that the catering was better at my cousin's wedding. (But we're going to have a FAT party afterward and everyone's invited. Bring booze.)
I'm going to keep my name and we're going to give the kids Russian names (we like Lydia, Larisa, Alexander and Max) and send them to Russian school, where hopefully they will learn to speak better than their mother. They're not going to be raised in any particular denomination but they can celebrate Christmas with my family. Of course, I will still get to play with women whenever I want.
And if we run out of money we can always go work on an Israeli kibbutz and eat mandarins and dates.
Sigh. Ridiculously girly fantasizing isn't helping get the Master's thesis done.
Questions for you:
1. What would your ideal wedding be like? A huge church wedding with a poofy meringue dress, or a drive-thru Vegas wedding chapel?
2. Do you believe in marriage? What do you think a lifetime commitment should be like?
I guess, when you sum it up, my man proposed to me last night, and I accepted.
I mean, it wasn't one of those saccharine romantic stories you read in magazines where the guy invents some ludicrous scheme in order to ask the girl to marry him. In fact, he hedged his bets by asking it in such a way that he could pass it off as a joke in case I didn't react well. But This question (and my affirmative answer of course) were not a surprise but a natural progression, I suppose. I'm very happy, not in the jump-up-and-down-screaming way, but the just-finished-a-hot-chocolate-in-front-of-the-fire sort of way, where a comforting warmth permeates your body from the center of your chest through the tips of your fingernails.
Obviously we're going to wait a couple years, til we get our shit together and we're not so fucking broke. There's no rush. Hopefully by then I'll have a clearer idea what I want to do with myself, and his music career will be more established. We want to elope; none of this horrific six months of planning and thousands of dollars down the drain just so my family can bitch that the catering was better at my cousin's wedding. (But we're going to have a FAT party afterward and everyone's invited. Bring booze.)
I'm going to keep my name and we're going to give the kids Russian names (we like Lydia, Larisa, Alexander and Max) and send them to Russian school, where hopefully they will learn to speak better than their mother. They're not going to be raised in any particular denomination but they can celebrate Christmas with my family. Of course, I will still get to play with women whenever I want.

Sigh. Ridiculously girly fantasizing isn't helping get the Master's thesis done.
Questions for you:
1. What would your ideal wedding be like? A huge church wedding with a poofy meringue dress, or a drive-thru Vegas wedding chapel?
2. Do you believe in marriage? What do you think a lifetime commitment should be like?
Yes, good old Nevada. I HATE it. seriously. I wish I couls just take all the people I love out of it and then NUKE IT. Not really. But sort of. The only reason I ever, ever go there is because of my family. ecchhh.
I don't really know if I'm ever going to have a wedding. If I do, it will be just more of a party for the family sort of thing. I don't know what I think of marriage to begin with anyway.
How have u been?