*** HOORAY!!! ***
Ignore everything I wrote before. I'm still annoyed with the job situation but it doesn't matter.
I've been accepted! I'm a Suicide Girl!
Sort of. Technically I'm a Limbo Girl, blah blah blah. Details.
So I'll be switching everything over to my new profile: Salome I won't be using this member profile anymore, so put all comments and send all messages using...
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Ignore everything I wrote before. I'm still annoyed with the job situation but it doesn't matter.
I've been accepted! I'm a Suicide Girl!
Sort of. Technically I'm a Limbo Girl, blah blah blah. Details.
So I'll be switching everything over to my new profile: Salome I won't be using this member profile anymore, so put all comments and send all messages using...
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Congrats! Another Chicago SG!
So now I have two new jobs: stripper, and smoothie bitch.
Forgive me for this, since normally I try not to be an arrogant prick, but I'm writing my Master's thesis right now. What the fuck am I doing paying my rent with $20 lapdances?
When I was a kid my parents always told me to study hard so I could go to college and...
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Forgive me for this, since normally I try not to be an arrogant prick, but I'm writing my Master's thesis right now. What the fuck am I doing paying my rent with $20 lapdances?
When I was a kid my parents always told me to study hard so I could go to college and...
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If you like modeling you should join OMP and MM. My wife Angeluca gets paying modeling gigs on a regular basis from those two websites. It's free for models to join both sites, but OMP limits you to 5 images before you have to pay if you want more.
You have a few decent pictures in your pics folders. Get them posted and start working. You're a good model.
You have a few decent pictures in your pics folders. Get them posted and start working. You're a good model.

If I were in Chicago, I'd be tipping you $20 on top of the $20 for a lap dance from you!
Sorry things are so rough right now.

Sorry things are so rough right now.
I guess, when you sum it up, my man proposed to me last night, and I accepted.
I mean, it wasn't one of those saccharine romantic stories you read in magazines where the guy invents some ludicrous scheme in order to ask the girl to marry him. In fact, he hedged his bets by asking it in such a way that he could pass...
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I guess, when you sum it up, my man proposed to me last night, and I accepted.
I mean, it wasn't one of those saccharine romantic stories you read in magazines where the guy invents some ludicrous scheme in order to ask the girl to marry him. In fact, he hedged his bets by asking it in such a way that he could pass...
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Wow. I'm really happy for you
That rocks. I really, really like the name Lydia. I always have. So pretty.
Yes, good old Nevada. I HATE it. seriously. I wish I couls just take all the people I love out of it and then NUKE IT. Not really. But sort of. The only reason I ever, ever go there is because of my family. ecchhh.
I don't really know if I'm ever going to have a wedding. If I do, it will be just more of a party for the family sort of thing. I don't know what I think of marriage to begin with anyway.

Yes, good old Nevada. I HATE it. seriously. I wish I couls just take all the people I love out of it and then NUKE IT. Not really. But sort of. The only reason I ever, ever go there is because of my family. ecchhh.
I don't really know if I'm ever going to have a wedding. If I do, it will be just more of a party for the family sort of thing. I don't know what I think of marriage to begin with anyway.

hahaha, yes! I know. And I'm more than happy
How have u been?

How have u been?
(::Edited to add: I just got a letter from LauraJean saying they really like my set, they're working on it and they'll let me know in a few weeks if they can use it.
Cross your fingers for me!!!)
it had to happen eventually ...
*20 fun facts about Salome*
1. Since I was about 7 or 8 I've been memorizing subway maps, collecting bus...
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it had to happen eventually ...
*20 fun facts about Salome*
1. Since I was about 7 or 8 I've been memorizing subway maps, collecting bus...
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aw thanks
you're quite the looker yourself too! you got guts girl to pose naked...i would break the camera and taint everyones eyes! teehee...

Thnx 4 the birthday wishes to my bro.
The cake was really good.
But I bet you're better
G'luck with yer set, hun
The cake was really good.
But I bet you're better

G'luck with yer set, hun

My man laughs at me when I talk about women, saying I sound just like a guy. This is probably not a good thing.
When I first met one girl, I used to refer to her as Big Big Titties, BBT for short (in my defense, I've gotten to know her better and she's a lovely girl, smart too, in medical school). Then there's another...
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When I first met one girl, I used to refer to her as Big Big Titties, BBT for short (in my defense, I've gotten to know her better and she's a lovely girl, smart too, in medical school). Then there's another...
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Looks like we do have a lot in common
Aside from all the things mentioned in my journal, I am also extremely intimidated by women, however tend to refer to their.. attributes in a somewhat teenage boy fashion.

Aside from all the things mentioned in my journal, I am also extremely intimidated by women, however tend to refer to their.. attributes in a somewhat teenage boy fashion.
Is it harder to talk to women because of the ambiguity in figuring out whether they're interested or not? It seems like it would be, but I've never been in that position so I'm just speculating.
Yeah, the obesity problem is a huge and thorny tangle. I have no good solutions. My approach for now is to try and get the information out there to as many people as possible, and then let them take informed responsibility for their own lives. Right now, just that is Sisyphean enough.
I've been reading back in your journal a little bit... lots of thought-provoking stuff. I agree with you on a lot of it and may ping an email later if time allows.
Yeah, the obesity problem is a huge and thorny tangle. I have no good solutions. My approach for now is to try and get the information out there to as many people as possible, and then let them take informed responsibility for their own lives. Right now, just that is Sisyphean enough.
I've been reading back in your journal a little bit... lots of thought-provoking stuff. I agree with you on a lot of it and may ping an email later if time allows.

I shot my set today!
I wish to God I could post some of the photos up here, but I don't dare risk rejection because of it. In some I'm sprawled on the ground howling with laughter, and some feature me in the most graceless positions ever: my spectacularly bad timing caused my photo shoot, to happen during the Homecoming game, right in the middle...
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I wish to God I could post some of the photos up here, but I don't dare risk rejection because of it. In some I'm sprawled on the ground howling with laughter, and some feature me in the most graceless positions ever: my spectacularly bad timing caused my photo shoot, to happen during the Homecoming game, right in the middle...
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great job on the shoot. Looking forward to seeing the set.
llet's get piratey
! what's your drink of choice?

Several things today.
1. Saw SG burlesque yesterday. The girls were wonderful, but the show could have benefited from at least some production values ... I heard at least two other girls talking about applying to be Suicide Girls, which I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, it's fantastic that SG is so well known and girls find it so inspiring and confidence...
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1. Saw SG burlesque yesterday. The girls were wonderful, but the show could have benefited from at least some production values ... I heard at least two other girls talking about applying to be Suicide Girls, which I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, it's fantastic that SG is so well known and girls find it so inspiring and confidence...
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I'm reading Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas- another Tom Robbins book.
I love his writing beyond reason.
I think you're right on the money about tons of girls applying to become SGs for social status/ego gratification. It makes me sick, but many, many people (especially females in my age group) make me sick, so I guess I'm not surprised. I still am going to go for SG-dom anyway. I don't know if you ever looked at this thread, but this is how I feel about it. As usual, most people that posted in it missed the point, but ah well.
As for the body mod/work thing, I know how you feel. I'm really lucky, though, because the place I work at is ok with facial piercings and tattoos (I work at an animal hospital). I only have my nostril and monroe pierced, but a lot of places I applied at wouldn't hire me unless I took them out. Which I would not. So I guess it's just a matter of deciding what you're willing to put up with.
When I grow up I want to be something that is interesting every day, rests easy on my conscience, and hopefully helps with the bills.
I'm thinking about becoming a naturopathic vet or a midwife. who knows? ok enough of my ramblings. sorry for the super long post.

I think you're right on the money about tons of girls applying to become SGs for social status/ego gratification. It makes me sick, but many, many people (especially females in my age group) make me sick, so I guess I'm not surprised. I still am going to go for SG-dom anyway. I don't know if you ever looked at this thread, but this is how I feel about it. As usual, most people that posted in it missed the point, but ah well.

As for the body mod/work thing, I know how you feel. I'm really lucky, though, because the place I work at is ok with facial piercings and tattoos (I work at an animal hospital). I only have my nostril and monroe pierced, but a lot of places I applied at wouldn't hire me unless I took them out. Which I would not. So I guess it's just a matter of deciding what you're willing to put up with.
When I grow up I want to be something that is interesting every day, rests easy on my conscience, and hopefully helps with the bills.
I'm thinking about becoming a naturopathic vet or a midwife. who knows? ok enough of my ramblings. sorry for the super long post.

just sitting here looking at your photos and i must say u r absolutely beautiful ... wow ... id kill to be able to photograph u .... beautiful
aaahh I just submitted my application to Suicide Girls and I'm so nervous!
Well, not really. The waiting is always nerve-wracking, but I'm pretty confident that I'll at least get past the first stage or two of the application process, and be able to show Missy and everyone who I am and why I'd be a hot SG.
When I think about it: A friend...
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Well, not really. The waiting is always nerve-wracking, but I'm pretty confident that I'll at least get past the first stage or two of the application process, and be able to show Missy and everyone who I am and why I'd be a hot SG.
When I think about it: A friend...
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I really love your set... your very sexy and you show it well. I hope they like you too.
hello there....i just wanted to say your sets are beautiful and i hope they get accepted soon
i see you like "the devil's rejects"...i actually won an authentic movie poster signed by rob and sherri and the whole cast, it's pretty cool....it was a good movie, but i almost kinda like "house of 1000 corpses better"
so you're a metal fan too, eh? we should chat sometime....although i may be more interested in talking about the BDSM!!!!
we have the same interests

i see you like "the devil's rejects"...i actually won an authentic movie poster signed by rob and sherri and the whole cast, it's pretty cool....it was a good movie, but i almost kinda like "house of 1000 corpses better"
so you're a metal fan too, eh? we should chat sometime....although i may be more interested in talking about the BDSM!!!!
we have the same interests

A friend of mine, a dominatrix/art student, agreed to indulge me and play around with the camera. This practice set is the result. I ~finally~ got the damn pictures online, which was a learning experience in itself.
So take a look, and tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is most welcome! SalomeM: Belly Dance
A friend of mine, a dominatrix/art student, agreed to indulge me and play around with the camera. This practice set is the result. I ~finally~ got the damn pictures online, which was a learning experience in itself.
So take a look, and tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is most welcome! SalomeM: Belly Dance
P.S. I actually found it here - It looks very good, but they do not seem to hold shows in a regular basis (Maybe one can watch the classes?) However, the owner has an event schedule, so that might work, too.
[Edited on Oct 15, 2005 3:08AM]
[Edited on Oct 15, 2005 3:08AM]
yep, it was a sad day indeed when i read about hunter's death. the whole cannon shot went off without a hitch weeks ago, so he did get his wish. as far as conspiriscy theories? i could see those things happening, but....i think he just grew tired. and being who he was decided that he would leave the world on his own terms.
Holy christ, I just got FOURTEEN pages to translate by Tuesday morning? If I had known I was going to get this much text this late I would have doubled my rates ~grumble grumble~. And I need it too -- my car just ate shit and died yesterday. It could be worse, though, I could be paying more than just $800 to fix it. Maybe...
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God I wish I could translate Russian to English....I'd love to read Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy in the original. What other languages do you do?
I'm sorry you have to go all the way to Saginaw. It's such an awful place.
The Angels are one of the teams I root for, they're the only one that I like that made it to the playoffs, so I figured I would show some Angel pride throughout the postseason.
I'm sorry you have to go all the way to Saginaw. It's such an awful place.
The Angels are one of the teams I root for, they're the only one that I like that made it to the playoffs, so I figured I would show some Angel pride throughout the postseason.
i feel your pain, i dropped $500+ on my car when it died to get it back on the road only to have it completely crap out 2 weeks later. i had to get a new car and coulda used that cash for the down payment