HOLY SHIT RAMMSTEIN IS FUCKING AWESOME. I've seen Fourth of July displays with poorer pyrotechnics.

The sound at the venue could have been better, but damn does this band know how to put on a show. They are also responsible for getting Coralee's sweet ass back down to Chicago finally! That broad better move back here stat, Chicago needs you!
I take lots of pictures recently:
Sauda in Cupcake Nyotaimori, on Zivity. We are shooting another Zivity set this Sunday, one for all you cotton-panties-and-bed-set types.

My own set, Odalisque, on Zivity
and a set hopeful Kurosune I'm excited for this set! It hits MR July 16!

AND a new SG set of Sauda! Yes, I know this preview has my feet in it (goddammit)

Photos. BAM.

The sound at the venue could have been better, but damn does this band know how to put on a show. They are also responsible for getting Coralee's sweet ass back down to Chicago finally! That broad better move back here stat, Chicago needs you!

I take lots of pictures recently:
Sauda in Cupcake Nyotaimori, on Zivity. We are shooting another Zivity set this Sunday, one for all you cotton-panties-and-bed-set types.

My own set, Odalisque, on Zivity
and a set hopeful Kurosune I'm excited for this set! It hits MR July 16!

AND a new SG set of Sauda! Yes, I know this preview has my feet in it (goddammit)

Photos. BAM.
I love the photos!