Twelve stitches. More medical bills. More irreversible, permanent scars. More failure to meet my most basic responsibilities. This time, I know how to get those dirty, sticky lines from the IV tape off (rubbing alcohol) but this time I have no pain medication to help me forget, if only for an hour or for a night, that my life is at the mercy of microscopic bacteria
Cupcake Nyotaimori, shot by me and featuring teh hawtness of Sauda, is now live on Zivity! If anyone wants to see the set but doesn't have a membership, I can give you a free 30-day trial. Just PM me with your email address
Shot a set (of me) for Zivity that's in prep right now. Preview:
And this weekend I'll be shooting Kurosune for SG! It may not sound like a lot, hell, I used to do this much in a day, but this is the busiest I've been since getting better. Better not overdo it.
Glad you're feeling better! (-:
What happened to your fore finger?