sorry for the non updates for a while ive been really busy. but someting happened a few days ago i wanted to post. if you go to cnn or foxnews .com you will find a story about a harrier that crashed in yuma, that jet belonged to another squadron here on my base, i just got home from helping to clean tat shit up, it was crazy, i xcant talk about the details, but i witnessed the ejection when it happened and saw the jet fall, didnt know at the time where it landed, but it landed in between 4 houses in a dense neighborhood. lucky as fuck, thats what that pilot is, nobody weas injured, the pilot is fine, but goddam that could have bee so much worse, 3 of the four houses had ppl in them. the jets just a hunk of shit right now, its amazing how much debris comes off of that one small aircraft, lol.

P.S. I hate Yuma, and try to avoid it as much as possible, but I'll be driving through there today on my way back to PHX. Wave and blow kisses at the freeway all day.