It amazes me how the financial structuring of this country is made up. I can go get 50 credit cards and charge myself into oblivion... but even with perfect credit.. I can't get a $10,000 loan to build a garage
I know what you mean, perfect credit, I have been offered credit card after credit card and stuck with the only one I have also I have a line of credit with zero on it and it was as hard as hell for me to get a $20,000 car loan with the bank I have been with since I started a savings account when I was 6.
Ended up going to another bank who said "okay, you're fine with that amount", changed over everything to the new bank after poor service from my previous one.
Very strange how they say yes to some things and a big fat no to others.
Ok I know I said I don't feel connected to anyone here and that's true... but It also cheers me up tremendously to jump online and see all those who took time to read little ol' me's blog and throw a few comforting words so thank you all. Even though i don't know you XOXO
Got stood up for a date I was really excited about today. Man that hurts. I know I only post on here when things aren't going well and for that I apologize.. but I don't really feel connected to anyone on here anyway.
Sometimes I imagine what my life would be like if I was raised somewhere more accepting. It's one thing to be a pretty girl with tattoos being different in a small community, but it's another entirely to be me.
I feel good for those sets! It means that those gals' sets were so great that they passed MR and went straight to FP so they're awesome! It's what a lot of us hope happens to our sets.
Ok thank you all for your comments. I have a much better opinion of it now than I did before. I still think member review should count more than what the staff thinks, it keeps all the sets from looking the same.... think of a dj that only plays the songs that he/she likes..
Are Mustaches supposed to be sexy now? I seriously don't understand all the little mustache tattoos on fingers and mustache necklaces and rings etc... I've always thought of them as stodgy and creepy. Don't get me wrong I love beards, but the mustache is the beards retarded cousin.. maybe I'm just outdated hahaha.