you know what is depressing? having to bake you own cake for a special occasion. that is what i am doing right now. i am graduating tomorrow and i have to bake my own cake because no one wants to bake one for me- or even buy one! frown it makes me sad. so ive decided im going to make this the best cake ever. all...
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i would kiss you anywhere to make it better smile
well i had a kind of rough day. i studied my butt of for my finals...and i so dont remember anything!!!!!!! frown im way nervous. well only about my math final. my sociology final ill be fine.

i worked today. i hadnt been to work in a while. hours have been cut way back.

and today was the 1st anniversary my my grandfathers passing. ive only...
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My heart goes out to you. I never knew my grand fathers either. My paternal one died while I was very young and my maternal one was... well... a rolling stone, really. I went to his funeral (15 years ago this week) but I didn't know him well... all I knew was that he left my grandmother to rise my mother alone.

I'm sure you'll do just fine for your finals. You studied hard and so even if your butt is gone, your brain probably knows more than your butt does. wink

Hang in there.
wow today was... interesting. i got to babysit my grandma. no she isnt old or anything. hasnt even hit 65 yet. but she is they type of person who literally has to do something all the time. she needs a project to do. well i got to drive her around to a ton of stores- we bought tons of fabric and stuff. *thats an actual...
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I know how that can be... the conflict of family "obligations" (in quotes cause it's not really an obligation; it's a chance to spend time with someone who matters) against school or work. It can be really taxing and frustrating because you haven't wasted the time in any way, you know? But you haven't used it to prepare, either.

Still, I bet that spending time with your gran was beautiful and I bet you'd not change that time for anything smile

ps: if you want something really good to read (and don't mind reading plays) you should check out A Million Tiny Plays About Britain by Craig Taylor. It's fantastic.
so i played my first soccer game of the season! woohoo! and this was the first season i didnt have to play goalie the entire game. mind you- i am an awesome goalie- not bragging, its the truth- but my team is great. *number one last season!* so i was bored a lot. now i get to play half the game on the field, the...
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if you aint dirty you didnt try hard enough
yep i am in the navy seabees. right now in south korea with just a few month left. thank about my picture. my son gets more compliments than i do lol. you have good pics up. love the ocean ones
banana bars are delicious! i got a sweet attack and decided to bake them. thats right folks! i bake-FROM SCRATCH! none of that "outta the box stuff for me" okay i fess up-rarely-i rarely use the box stuff. but it is so damn handy. and then i made home made frosting to drizzle on top and i chopped up pieces of banana to sprinkle on...
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so i have to say i am a nerd!!!!!!!!!!! i just finished watching yet another SG-1 episode. i do love that t.v. series! i have to admit i wasnt a big sci-fi fan- now i love it! smile lol. thats all i have to say. now i am on a mission to buy the entire series! and star gate atlantis! okay just needed to get my...
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so i spent the night in the ER with my cousin. she had a rough night. she's doing okay now. but she was in a ton of pain. while i was in there i saw my other friend-a girl i work with. she was there because her friend got stung by a scorpion while they were trying to move the fridge! just wow. so they...
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hey thanx.. i like corona also. it'll just be a change of pace.
WOW... sorry about the scorpion incident! holy crap! Those things scare the bejeezers out of me... >.<

thank you for the comment on my set love kiss you're to sweet!
i really dont get why people make certain decisions in their life. not that i have always made the best decisions either, but still. if someone knows that the person they are with is bad...they get out of that situation, move on with their life. then why would they decide to up and go back to the person that treated them so horribly? even though...
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Some people seem more scared of being alone than being with someone who makes them unhappy, its weird.