ok i need to rant and rave:
does everyone have one of these friends or am i just lucky? the friend who constantly has drama, but drama she creates!!!!!! for example:
i have this friend, she has a young daughter. she meets this guy that she has been friends with since childhood, they get together. but he has a young daughter too. well when she re meets him- he is separated from his wife. (for the second time) well while they are together, his wife, with whom he is separated with still, gives birth to twins. then later on my friend finds out on his last separation from his wife- he got another girl pregnant and she gave birth! wait it gets better. so the wife is is separated doesnt really want the twins. soshe gives the twins to the hubby and my friend. by this time my friend and him are living together. fast forward 2 years. the twins are now 1 and a half. now she is 9 months pregnant with their baby. and he is still not divorced!
thats the family situation. here is what pisses me off. she constantly complains to me that her man is going off with his friends and shit (by they way- she is 22 he is 23) and she never gets alone time because she is a stay at home mom. in his defense he asks her if he can go do these things. and she is always complaining about how people are checking out her man and flirting with him and shit. and lemme tell you. he is not a bad looking guy- but he aint no where near hot! she constantly threatens other women whenever they are out together to "stop looking at her man" i think its ridiculous. but whatever.
well obviously she doesnt work and he does. but they so dont spend their money right. dont get me wrong-i am in no way about to tell anyone how to spend their money, but they only own one car ok, and instead of being responsible and paying their car payment, they went off and bought a brand spanking new car seat thingie. and i get that they want the baby to be safe. but they went and bought the most expensive one there was! and now she is all like "woe is me- i cant make my car payment- now im going to have to borrow money from someone." well i dont mind if someone really NEEDS to borrow money. but she is constantly buying shit that doesnt have to be bought at that exact moment, and then doenst have enough money to pay bills and constantly borrows money, but the thing is- they cant afford to pay the money back!!!!! and it just irks me!
and then the deal about her and her man. they constantly argue. i mean i have only been with my man 10 months total. and we have a better relationship than they do!!! we have trust in one another. and i dunno. she just frustrates me sooooooooo bad! and i really just feel bad for that baby. well i mean she is a great mom. but, i dunno.... she just doesnt have her priorities straight you know? and seriously she is like a broken record. he is her only topic. (and the baby) but thats it. she has no out side interests, no nothing.
this is just not the girl i used to know. the one who was more confidant and stuff. she is so hypocritical. she judges people and shit now- when she used to not. and she even gets on my case for some of my decisions and i am like hell no! i talk to my man about my stuff- and i have my own ideas and thoughts, some of which my man will just have to deal with. and grr. im getting angry all over again. but really i just miss my best friend. the girl i used to know.
thanks for letting me rant.
does everyone have one of these friends or am i just lucky? the friend who constantly has drama, but drama she creates!!!!!! for example:
i have this friend, she has a young daughter. she meets this guy that she has been friends with since childhood, they get together. but he has a young daughter too. well when she re meets him- he is separated from his wife. (for the second time) well while they are together, his wife, with whom he is separated with still, gives birth to twins. then later on my friend finds out on his last separation from his wife- he got another girl pregnant and she gave birth! wait it gets better. so the wife is is separated doesnt really want the twins. soshe gives the twins to the hubby and my friend. by this time my friend and him are living together. fast forward 2 years. the twins are now 1 and a half. now she is 9 months pregnant with their baby. and he is still not divorced!
thats the family situation. here is what pisses me off. she constantly complains to me that her man is going off with his friends and shit (by they way- she is 22 he is 23) and she never gets alone time because she is a stay at home mom. in his defense he asks her if he can go do these things. and she is always complaining about how people are checking out her man and flirting with him and shit. and lemme tell you. he is not a bad looking guy- but he aint no where near hot! she constantly threatens other women whenever they are out together to "stop looking at her man" i think its ridiculous. but whatever.
well obviously she doesnt work and he does. but they so dont spend their money right. dont get me wrong-i am in no way about to tell anyone how to spend their money, but they only own one car ok, and instead of being responsible and paying their car payment, they went off and bought a brand spanking new car seat thingie. and i get that they want the baby to be safe. but they went and bought the most expensive one there was! and now she is all like "woe is me- i cant make my car payment- now im going to have to borrow money from someone." well i dont mind if someone really NEEDS to borrow money. but she is constantly buying shit that doesnt have to be bought at that exact moment, and then doenst have enough money to pay bills and constantly borrows money, but the thing is- they cant afford to pay the money back!!!!! and it just irks me!
and then the deal about her and her man. they constantly argue. i mean i have only been with my man 10 months total. and we have a better relationship than they do!!! we have trust in one another. and i dunno. she just frustrates me sooooooooo bad! and i really just feel bad for that baby. well i mean she is a great mom. but, i dunno.... she just doesnt have her priorities straight you know? and seriously she is like a broken record. he is her only topic. (and the baby) but thats it. she has no out side interests, no nothing.
this is just not the girl i used to know. the one who was more confidant and stuff. she is so hypocritical. she judges people and shit now- when she used to not. and she even gets on my case for some of my decisions and i am like hell no! i talk to my man about my stuff- and i have my own ideas and thoughts, some of which my man will just have to deal with. and grr. im getting angry all over again. but really i just miss my best friend. the girl i used to know.
thanks for letting me rant.
being a parent when one isn't really ready to be one (even when they *think* they are) often changes a person for the worse