people are so wasteful.
i saw people literally throwing away perfectly good furniture/ household items today. the reason: these were last season.
it made me so angry. if you didnt want those items you should have donated them to a thrift shop, or a shelter. many places and people need things and do not have the money to get them. i suggested to these people that they should donate the items. the response: well why should i care about other people? they need to find a job.
i was flabbergasted. i couldnt believe how selfish these people were being. i mean there are families struggling to get these items because they cant afford them. it just makes me sick to see people who have so much that are unwilling to help those who have so little.
so i ended up taking the stuff they were throwing away and donated it to various places today.
i just needed to rant and rave about this.
i mean i understand that it is their stuff to do with as they please, whether they want it or not, but to be so cruel and callous was the problem i had. arrg! it makes me angry just thinking about it still! okay im done.
i saw people literally throwing away perfectly good furniture/ household items today. the reason: these were last season.
it made me so angry. if you didnt want those items you should have donated them to a thrift shop, or a shelter. many places and people need things and do not have the money to get them. i suggested to these people that they should donate the items. the response: well why should i care about other people? they need to find a job.
i was flabbergasted. i couldnt believe how selfish these people were being. i mean there are families struggling to get these items because they cant afford them. it just makes me sick to see people who have so much that are unwilling to help those who have so little.
so i ended up taking the stuff they were throwing away and donated it to various places today.
i just needed to rant and rave about this.
i mean i understand that it is their stuff to do with as they please, whether they want it or not, but to be so cruel and callous was the problem i had. arrg! it makes me angry just thinking about it still! okay im done.
Hey, thanks for you comment on my set
I just read your blog and i have to say it made me angry too - people really don't think twice do they? No wonder the world is such a mess

not mean just dirty