last year i was the cover of a magazine!
someone draw me!
this is me with my all access pass to gwen steffany concert, actually this is her stage!
my last tattoo ( it hurts soo bad
)done by zhimpa
my name in the cover of creativos colombianos!
me with rocca from tres coronas! puro sabor latino
me in the tv show interviewing the guys from have heart!
me in the pink circle with the harayuko girls, in gwen steffany concert!
me and zeta in the premiere for press of the marilyn manson concert at hard rock bogota
zeta and me in the most important newspaper of our country, we were in the first page a sunday can you believe that?
another pic from the newspaper
me in the section who from shock magazine
a stand in the bogota tattoo convention!
me in the last edition of tattoo society! this magazine belongs to the lovely tony romel! amazing and funny guy !
the guys from this band let me be in the agradecimientos from their debut album!
and this is the craziest thing ever happened to me, i meet someone who i dont remember 3 years ago in a tattoo convention in lima, and he get my face tattoed on his back, last time i was on the same convention i had the chance to meet him and he was shocked cause i dont have blue eyes but his tattoo of my face have blue eyes so after that he change the color of those eyes t o my beautiful brown eyes, this is a pic of the tattoo with blue eyes
and this is me in the caretas magazine from peru
last year i was the cover of a magazine!

someone draw me!

this is me with my all access pass to gwen steffany concert, actually this is her stage!

my last tattoo ( it hurts soo bad

my name in the cover of creativos colombianos!

me with rocca from tres coronas! puro sabor latino

me in the tv show interviewing the guys from have heart!

me in the pink circle with the harayuko girls, in gwen steffany concert!

me and zeta in the premiere for press of the marilyn manson concert at hard rock bogota

zeta and me in the most important newspaper of our country, we were in the first page a sunday can you believe that?

another pic from the newspaper

me in the section who from shock magazine

a stand in the bogota tattoo convention!

me in the last edition of tattoo society! this magazine belongs to the lovely tony romel! amazing and funny guy !

the guys from this band let me be in the agradecimientos from their debut album!

and this is the craziest thing ever happened to me, i meet someone who i dont remember 3 years ago in a tattoo convention in lima, and he get my face tattoed on his back, last time i was on the same convention i had the chance to meet him and he was shocked cause i dont have blue eyes but his tattoo of my face have blue eyes so after that he change the color of those eyes t o my beautiful brown eyes, this is a pic of the tattoo with blue eyes

and this is me in the caretas magazine from peru

Que bacano poder conocerte un da de estos, ya que no estamos tan lejos... Ando a la espera de que publiquen mi set en la Hopeful Section, pero no me quise aguantar las ganas de darte un saludito desde Medallo.
Harto que te has divertido, no? Mucha suerte y que sigas cogiendo la vida por los cachos...
and you were on the cover of a magazine!