My nails are currently longer than I'm used to having them so typing this is an experience, but here goes. Sorry I'm late on this week's blog, I promised to blog weekly and that is still true, I've just had a bit of a busy and tough week. Couple of Thursdays ago I tripped over a mattress that someone had left sticking out in a corridor at work and this has caused several problems for me. First off, I have very weak ankles that are prone to sprains so I have to be very careful with myself, and tripping over it sprained not one, but both of my ankles. I only own one ankle support as you don't expect to do both at the same time, so I've been limping around for the past ten days like a bit of a creep. The other issue that this has brought up is that I may have to have surgery on my left foot. When I was a teenager I had to have corrective therapy as I used to walk with my left foot turned inwards. Despite the corrective therapy, I think I still must, a little, as this has resulted in prominence of the fifth metatarsal bone at the base of the little toe. My bones have grown outwards, essentially. So I started looking into treatments for it, and unfortunately I'm already doing most of the suggested treatments, and therefore it is looking likely, after an X-ray, that I will have to have one of these surgeries performed to right the deformity in my foot. Below being the worst of three options of surgery. If I have to have it, regardless of which type of surgery I have, it will be a long recovery time in which I will not be able to work, which is quite concerning.
Moving on, however, really enjoying a bit of Babymetal at the moment. It gets me through my hobble to work.
Plus they're just so damn cute!
This afternoon/evening I am going to see my friend Jess. People who have followed me closely for a few years will know about Jess. Jess has had non-Hodgkins lymphoma on and off for the last 6 years. This has, obviously, had a huge effect on her twenties. On the 16th she is going into hospital for a stem cell transplant. This is going to be incredibly painful for her, with a long recovery time. Thankfully she will be in a hospital quite close by so I am planning to go and see her weekly to take her presents and company. This afternoon she is hosting a pre-transplant party, and it will be really good to spend time with her.
That's about all for this week, as not much else has really occurred. I'm playing a lot of Sims, currently, judge me all you like, I downloaded custom content so that I could write on my sims' walls, and put this in their bathroom.
I do make very attractive sims, too.
For random bits and bobs:
@suzylee and I at BHB a couple of weekends ago
Jordan, myself, Jonny, @heartsmith and @suzylee at BHB. Stole both of these pictures from Suzy <3
What I did last night having spent the entire day cleaning my house from top to bottom.
The kids, of course.
A little toy I picked up from my dad. Now I just need to find a charger for it and I'm gonna do all the ghost hunting.
Someone was training at work. This thing always creeps me the fuck out.
Here are some things that made me chuckle this week!
Girls who deserve so much love this week!
@soraiya by @gemmaedwardsuk
@liryc by @darryldarko
@kilmis by @kaskuyken
@yuko by @writeboy
In two days I have a set going into Member Review shot by the beautiful @coolicio and I'm so excited to see what you guys think!
My set I shot with @gemmaedwardsuk is still in Member Review, too! If for some ungodly reason you haven't seen it I suggest you look at it right the fuck now! <3
And in three months I have a set with @davebuxton coming out!
I also have around four more waiting, and fully intend to shoot more on top of that! Anyway, it's been fun, and I'm shocked I managed to get through all this with these crazy fingernails I'm sporting! See you next week, SG! <3