New Year. Sigh. I wish I could be optimistic and whatnot... after the few years I've had it's very hard for me to find hope in much.
The things working in my favour are that I'm getting help, medication and therapy, I'm still in Australia, despite my family's pleas for me to come home, I'm still in love and I'm learning new things.
I've been learning how to retouch photos in Photoshop, which it's turning out I'm not terrible at, so I'll keep practicing that.
To be honest it's really hard for me to write much at the moment. I don't wish to write anything about the last year except for these things:
It's been nearly impossible for me to end up where I am, but I've managed it.
I've been with Christian for 1 year and 2 days, which is brilliant, and makes this my second longest relationship ever.
The last year has been emotional hell, I've learnt that I should never think I'm okay, and just assume I'm not, because otherwise it takes me by surprise.
I'm now allergic to rats, and dogs, yet I have two rats, and want a dog.
So yeah, there's really not a huge amount to write. I hope this year brings me happiness and everything I know I'm owed, but I don't necessarily trust to hope.
I don't mean to sound so melancholy and jaded, but that's what the world has done to me. I'm just glad I have him by my side to hold my hand.
The things working in my favour are that I'm getting help, medication and therapy, I'm still in Australia, despite my family's pleas for me to come home, I'm still in love and I'm learning new things.
I've been learning how to retouch photos in Photoshop, which it's turning out I'm not terrible at, so I'll keep practicing that.
To be honest it's really hard for me to write much at the moment. I don't wish to write anything about the last year except for these things:
It's been nearly impossible for me to end up where I am, but I've managed it.
I've been with Christian for 1 year and 2 days, which is brilliant, and makes this my second longest relationship ever.
The last year has been emotional hell, I've learnt that I should never think I'm okay, and just assume I'm not, because otherwise it takes me by surprise.
I'm now allergic to rats, and dogs, yet I have two rats, and want a dog.
So yeah, there's really not a huge amount to write. I hope this year brings me happiness and everything I know I'm owed, but I don't necessarily trust to hope.
I don't mean to sound so melancholy and jaded, but that's what the world has done to me. I'm just glad I have him by my side to hold my hand.
You set yourself one major goal and achieved it; so pick your next one and go for it.
Take care of yourself, and if u get tired of the banana-benders, sanity lies to the south.