I added some pics... I couldn't stand to be *showed* only with that <- weird one...!!
most of the people from here pronounce it gazz as well. there's basically no difference between fort kent and right across the border. everyone here's named Thibodeau, Gagnon, Daigle, etc. i find it very entertaining to hear two people having a conversation where one's speaking only in english and the other only in french. do they do that in montreal?
i'd love to retire to canada. particularly far, far north. heard it was difficult to get citizenship though.
how could anyone dislike poutine?

[Edited on Nov 21, 2004 5:37PM]
cool pics,

i thought you actually had an oddly shaped head, like a midget. but no.

i'm not sure how i feel about that.
Well, it's been a while... But I'm really busy kicking my ass to do my papers... My inspiration's kind of stuck in the middle of nowhere, I didn't read all the books I had to read and my motivation's gone...! Wonderful!

Hopefully, we found a *normal* couple to share our appartment... (you wouldn't imagine how weird are people looking for roomates...!) Eric and I, for...
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we're looking for a roomate to share our back room. and i have an other, i'm not crazy in the we sense.

i sure could use $5000.
Man. I just went through (again) couple of SG... I couldn't say enough how I love those girls...!

Geraldine is so classy, articulate, beautiful, intelligent. RoseMarie seems to be the Kindness itself with a little kinky side... Aiki, oh, Aiki, that threesome set is...my god, wonderful! And the new girl in town, Einzel, so healthy and calm...

I didn't watch or read the news lately......
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i'm ready for a similar trip. it think one of the scandinavian countries this go.
how's collette.

oh, i'm sorry.
What a shitty saturday! It's raining, it's cold, no one's in town... Spend whole morning watching films (Bamboozled, Virgin Suicide), playing Dope War and Diablo -which I couldn't kill- and being upset... Guess it's just my "november mood"...or the lack of sex...

The end of the term will be pretty hard; plenty of books to read, papers to do and exams... So, if somebody has...
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Well, well, well... It's 9:30pm here in Montreal and, wha' do ya know? 18 states for Mister B. and 11 for Mister K. Something really bad is going to happen...puke

What's wrong with those people?! Damn...

Spent all night teaching french to two armenian kids while thinking to myself: "Is the world gonna be the same tomorrow morning?" And by that I meant: will their...
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half of us are innocent.

the rest of them are idiots
November 2nd tomorrow and my predictions are: the world ain't gonna change for another 4 years...Hope I'm wrong on that one!

Besides, not much people from Montreal here... They don't know what they are missing; SG are so sexy! Can't get enough of them... It's a relief to see that there is so many beautiful girls with kick ass attitude and intelligence... Just like me,...
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i hope you're wrong as well.