A lot has happened in the last year but let's just pretend I kept you all updated so you know the gist of things. That way I can leave a lot out and write about whatever I feel like writing about. Ok? Ok. Thanks!
Things I've been doing
Every year I try and do something that is completely new so that I can pretend I didn't spend like 4000000 hours watching Dexter and The Office and riding my bike around the city absently. This year was kind of a wash, but I -did- end up going to tons of shows and seeing a lot of places I wanted to see.
I also spent a bit of time in Nova Scotia on one of my Officer's qualification course
I also went to France over the holidays but I'm really way too lazy to upload all of those as well. Sorry.
I've been listening to a lot of great music lately. Cold Cave, Skream, The XX, Fever Ray and others have made a huge impact on my relationships, how I view this city and have underpinned a lot of what has happened over the year. I'm always looking for recommendations though, so help a brotha' out? Gangsta Rap preferred. Not really kidding, either.
Living alone in a 2 1/2 without internet or TV has led me to read an enormous amount over the past while. Instead of listing everything I've read/liked, I'm just going to name a few pieces that I think people might enjoy.
Three Day Road is a great book about a young Native American coming back to Canada after fighting in WW1 and all of the experiences he lives and re-lives on the canoe ride back home.
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is a collection of essays about different neurological disorders. If you're interested in the way the brain can totally fuck around with you, like I am, this book is amazing.
Disgrace is an absolutely depressing look at one man's personal life as he lives in post-apartheid South Africa. Written in a way that you can feel a tangible connection with his flaws and the pressures he encounters while trying to re-connect with his estranged daughter.
Oh, and I finally finished Lolita properly. Suck it, Nabokov.
I've always loved watching movies, everything from terrible comedies to critically-acclaimed wonders. I usually end up going alone to them, or watching them solo because I haven't found anyone in the city that I actually appreciate going to films with yet. So basically, fuck you Montreal in that regard!
Things you should see:
Man on Wire is easily one of the most amazing documentaries I have ever seen. Even if you aren't into documentaries, the way in which this movie presents the intensity of Philippe Petit and the others is awe-inspiring. I was actually stunned the entire way through. So so so so so good.
Let the Right One In is a perfect foreign film about a child vampire and her relationship with a nerdy schoolboy. Hard to explain, but the cinematography, acting and storyline are phenomenal.
Up in the Air . For a movie starring a dude who used to be on E.R. I was actually surprised at how good this was. Great acting all around and worth seeing if it's still in theatres in your area. Not a great make-out film though...just sayin'.
Things I plan on doing
Basically, school and work are taking up 90% of my time. My thesis paper is "Discord in Judaism: Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews in the Montreal Jewish Community". It's been a good learning experience but I'm really more interested in International Development and Women/Children's rights. It's time to start seriously thinking about what I'm going to be doing after I graduate.
Med School
Law School
Grad studies in International Development
Military Tour abroad
Work for an NGO somewhere
Open a brothel
Besides that, we have our Regimental Birthday Military Ball coming up on the 13th. I'm helping plan it so it's probably going to be pretty amazing. I do, however, still need to find a date who can be A) Hot B) Interesting and C) Able/willing to dress up all fancy.
Oh, and I got into University of Copenhagen, Denmark for school next year. Not sure if I'll go, or for how long I'll go if I do, but I'm pretty stoked to be accepted. I ended up stealing 2/5 of the University's spots for Quebec. Suckers.
Also, I'm pretty sure I like little kids more than real people. Most of the time they're pretty awesome, and they look hilarious bundled up for Winter. Little French kids are even funnier, especially when they're all tied together by those school leash things. We don't have that out West, really.
Now I have to get back to listening to 3 JMSB assholes talk racist shit while I try and write. Fuck I hate not having internet.
Job is for admin work at a post production office, I won't be speaking on TV...I'd turn bright red and clam up, it'd be embarrassing
Ha, my life sounds cool, I realise this when I tell people about it...however it's probably similar to most other peoples when actually living it...just occasionally in different countries! I'm finding out that language differences aside...daily life is similar almost everywhere in Europe! (Apart from the lunchbreaks, continental europe gets long lunch breaks...damnit!)
How are you? I heard you were posted abroad this year?