i'm doin' better now..
not as blue..though i miss my kitty..
ditched work yesterday...
did a no show move....
but was so much fun
not as blue..though i miss my kitty..
ditched work yesterday...
did a no show move....
but was so much fun

I hope they make you a Suicide Girl soon. Some days they could use a good set.
yeah..i've debated if i'll end up reshootin' the SG set or not..
.i won't go into all the details...cause in a semi-hurry right now...
but would be fun....
i've been workin' on some other projects with different artists at the moment...
andrew at www.absoluterealitystudios.com
the chez paree's dj known as "e" did some lovely prints..of various dancers & i w/ the clubs stage lighting..
we may or may not have one of his images up in an ad for the chez paree in the next few weeks ...as an ad for goth nite...but shall have to see....but if in bay area...should definately swing by to check them out...
and i hope to eventually be workin' with
dave deluxe www.davedeluxe.com
perhaps Malcom Wier, Larry Utley, and may be workin' w/ some others...i've been such a busy bee..oh my!
my friend "randy" aka randum of club "SIN"/ Slick" fetish clubs...asked if i'ld be on an upcoming flyer dressed like a bad catholic school girl..hehe
so shall see..
still would be fun to do the SG site..but i'm not sure if i wanna be "exclusive or not" will have to decide...havin' fun workin' on so many projects..
i'm off for work....
ttyall soon