86'ld ...
oh my!
personally...i just think it's kinda funny....
as of this moment..i'm prbly literally banned from about 8 out of 11 strip clubs..
i um....sorta haulked a woogie..on the general manager of the deja vu clubs ...
um...how embarassin'...
i basically show up to work at the malibu barbie club..
first of all...
they have me check out a "box"
where i guess..you can't even count your own money...
the managers do it for you...
yeah right...
i get dressed...
and the dj...that's remembers me from before...
is like..."i don't know what's goin' on...you have to get dressed...the main manager wants to talk to you downstairs..."
so i throw on my clothes...and am like...um...
it's prbly
a) i used to work there as a waitress/ bartender and they're trippin'
b)they found out i tried to unionize the girls at centerfolds like 8 yrs ago
c) they found out i won a class action suit...where i agreed to testify against them
d) i'm just too damn fat cause all the girls are on coke
so ...i head downstairs...
and the manager gives me a bs story...
"we do auditions on weds...so you have to come back..."
(even though i auditioned on tues...and got hired..)
i ask the dj...in private...wtf...
he responds...i dunno...the other mngr...girl one is new...
and i sense some weird head trip / power play goin' on...
another general manager walks in...
tells me basically..yeah...you need to "reauditon" for me...and implies that if i perhaps sleep with him i may get on the "schedule"
thus i haulk a woogie on him...
if i only had a camera..
the expression =priceless
god i'm so outta control...
so i go by the bamboo hut...
ashley & eric buy me shots of jamesons...
and i go back to the chez paree
i so need a career change...
fuck deja vu
but i do think it's kinda rad that i'm 86'ld...
i so need to sue them again...
now i plot revenge...
i so think i should request a weekly column about them in the newspaper..
or just perhaps stand outside the club with a sign that simply says ..
"deja vu sucks.."
after gettin' a permit of course...
bad deja vu slave
oh my!
personally...i just think it's kinda funny....
as of this moment..i'm prbly literally banned from about 8 out of 11 strip clubs..
i um....sorta haulked a woogie..on the general manager of the deja vu clubs ...
um...how embarassin'...
i basically show up to work at the malibu barbie club..
first of all...
they have me check out a "box"
where i guess..you can't even count your own money...
the managers do it for you...
yeah right...
i get dressed...
and the dj...that's remembers me from before...
is like..."i don't know what's goin' on...you have to get dressed...the main manager wants to talk to you downstairs..."
so i throw on my clothes...and am like...um...
it's prbly
a) i used to work there as a waitress/ bartender and they're trippin'
b)they found out i tried to unionize the girls at centerfolds like 8 yrs ago
c) they found out i won a class action suit...where i agreed to testify against them
d) i'm just too damn fat cause all the girls are on coke
so ...i head downstairs...
and the manager gives me a bs story...
"we do auditions on weds...so you have to come back..."
(even though i auditioned on tues...and got hired..)
i ask the dj...in private...wtf...
he responds...i dunno...the other mngr...girl one is new...
and i sense some weird head trip / power play goin' on...
another general manager walks in...
tells me basically..yeah...you need to "reauditon" for me...and implies that if i perhaps sleep with him i may get on the "schedule"
thus i haulk a woogie on him...
if i only had a camera..
the expression =priceless
god i'm so outta control...
so i go by the bamboo hut...
ashley & eric buy me shots of jamesons...
and i go back to the chez paree
i so need a career change...
fuck deja vu
but i do think it's kinda rad that i'm 86'ld...
i so need to sue them again...
now i plot revenge...
i so think i should request a weekly column about them in the newspaper..
or just perhaps stand outside the club with a sign that simply says ..
"deja vu sucks.."
after gettin' a permit of course...
bad deja vu slave
yay at least i will see you back at the Chez - though i am taking this weekend off...but i think your actions were not only appropriate but commendable. have fun in Amsterdam if i do not see you before then
ha! awesome!