Been having sleep problems.... not quite awake....
between my thesis being due tomorrow...
and jerm "amsterdam boy" being uber sick ?tonsilitis
i've been part time nurse
part time brain/ typewriter
but tis time to update
and wish y'all a happy helloween

and Samhain..
i'm gonna be dull...not dressin' up this year
but will stay home and give out candy...
i carved out cool jack o'laterrns
one has dancing rats on the front and casts a kitty shadow

what's everyone gonna be this year?
such my fav holiday...wish i wasn't so warn out..
but love watchin' people...
was bummed i didn't work this weekend cause so worn out/ takin care of jerm
thought it would be funny to lap dance on someone in a halloween costume...or was picturing guys coming into a strip club in costumes...
would be funny

or at least make the time go faster
exhausted but happy...thesis nearly done!
the Black Widows show was fun!
Thank you Thora (Satine), Valentina, Candy...&
everyone who came out

the liquid latex was fun...
i dripped black down my back
like paint drips
and peeled it off as i performed
but got some in my hair

which hurt...
i liked thora's eye of horus' es on her nipples
originally i did hand prints on my boobs to cover
but didn't like it
ended up just dripping it off
but was fun...
we have a new website up!
check it out..

we're also looking for a new space
or club to perform....
and hoping to have new guest djs...
shatter from BAGG and others...hoperfully some girl djs too!
want to type more...pickin' up sick boy....
let me know how halloween is