wow... busy life.
missing tegan like hell. every time i run into a friend on the street or whatever they're like "is your girl back yet?" it happens 50 times a day i swear. it's nice to know that people care and they can empathize with the situation. but it makes it hard to concentrate on work when your wonderfully supportive and gourgeous girlfriend has...
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missing tegan like hell. every time i run into a friend on the street or whatever they're like "is your girl back yet?" it happens 50 times a day i swear. it's nice to know that people care and they can empathize with the situation. but it makes it hard to concentrate on work when your wonderfully supportive and gourgeous girlfriend has...
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violet wants to live in canada... but i want to recruit stormy.
did you bring anything to your house when i got moved out?? the dvd player or anythinglike that? you got the mircowave right? and you still have my keychain? ill be back around the 22nd. probably be downtown around the 24th. ill call you.
so i just joined SG yesterday...
i thought it would be a good way to keep in touch with all the people ive met through tegan (with her being away and all).
im gonna go drink coffee for a bit, maybe smoke a cigarette, then come back to this god awful internet cafe and look at things i cant afford on ebay!!!
i thought it would be a good way to keep in touch with all the people ive met through tegan (with her being away and all).
im gonna go drink coffee for a bit, maybe smoke a cigarette, then come back to this god awful internet cafe and look at things i cant afford on ebay!!!
hehe nice picture baby.

hi hot stuff, so ay still like me?