here are some quotes i found that kind of pertain to whats been on my mind.
We have been taught to believe that negative equals realistic and positive equals unrealistic.
The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.
Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.
There is no pleasure in having...
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We have been taught to believe that negative equals realistic and positive equals unrealistic.
The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.
Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.
There is no pleasure in having...
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Sounds like you're feeling philosophical today.
im not dead i swear, but this debt shit is killing me, i cant tell you haw cool it will be to be caught up on my payments, and when i've paid school i can enroll for another semester, funny thing is - i got a part time job to help work around school from 9-2pm and a co-worker that is a student at the...
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The social psy I took was a little mix between sociology and psy. Learned about role theory symbolic interactism and a buch of others ones. I had a good teacher so it made it fun.
school and work is so stressful!
school and work is so stressful!
True, you make a fair arguement.
I dont know if you knew this or not, i guess it would depend on whether or not i mentioned it. I was in karate for about two yearsm up until oct 2003 and my username is a form that was taught to higher ranking students, it came from a different system of kung fu called Choi Li Fut which is pronounces <sai qwan> and...
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ahahahh that sounds funny

You've been quite lately. How goes?
verse 1: You think that we can't see your face. I think you need to give us our space. you know that we can raze this place and leave you without a trace. Storm trooper storm trooper why are you here the youth them getting restless and they don't want you near. Your watching us your watching us it so improper we've seen your kind...
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Sugery went well,... they drugged me like crazy before and after the operation. It was funny when they knocked me out because they told me to think of something beautiful and I thought of Hawaii, and I started singing "Tiny bubbles,.... in the wine", before I could finish the rest of the song I past out. And when I woke up they told me that it was over and I couldn't believe that it finished that quick. Then my mom showed me the bone and it was the size of a quarter. So as of now I'm in pain and if you want to see the damage check out my profile pics. thanks for checking up on me!

the court are going to fuck me. It's a shit day when the police can fuck you over for something you never did. Part of the problem in living in a divided city.
i forgot to mention that i had messed up my transmission didnt i? it was just the clutch but it cost me $375 instead of $600 thats normally charged good deal. so sweet my lame callcenter job just got a lot better, we've all chosen our new schedules and im part time, <sweet> yeah from 9am-2pm with optional overtime so now i can go to...
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Pics from my camera phone!
Sounds a bit ropey at best.
Oh wow... You know... we actually had someone but AUDITION I think 2-3 weeks ago.....I think it was the last one. I love that movie!!!!! Very morbid!!! And I just saw ICHI THE KILLER last week for the first time. I LOVE IT!!!!! VERY GOREY..... i wan to buy that one too. But I think they mad suicide in like the former yugoslavia... I'm not sure......
I'm the girl at FYE...with handcuff earrings on. If you saw me that is me. Crazy eh?
I'm the girl at FYE...with handcuff earrings on. If you saw me that is me. Crazy eh?
yeah, so ignor my last entry ireally dont know when my membership runs out just wont be able to pay until friday, so if it goes out before then then you know why, later
I thought it was strange you could still reply. I just read you want to be a chef, what type of food do you cook well?
I am familiar with enchiladas as i am a big fan. I happen to be a big fan of mexican food especially when it's extra spicy. I know a lot of people consider it spicy to begin with but i live in a city with a massive asian community and those kids really know how to spice up food.
If you had to choose booze or smoke which would you pick?
If you had to choose booze or smoke which would you pick?
im soo drunk right now, yeah i know that thats such a dumb thing to write about but fick it my SG subscription ends tomoorow!!!! i looked up some recipes for some bud brownies and i want some soo fucking bad i had one once bud it did nothi9ng, and am willing to spend some fucking cash come my paycheck to make it happen, along...
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I tried to update whilst drubk yeterday too, all i got was as far as i' bet i'm drunker than you (not you specifically, the audince in general) How's your hangover? I slept right through mine.
wow looking back on my last entry i must havbe been really fucked up because i dont think i made much sense, anyway , i could stay away from the herb i was too bored and too...just wanting to smoke!!
yeah and i drank a lot too theres a pic of me blazed, my bud, my bottle, what i was listening to and something else,...
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yeah and i drank a lot too theres a pic of me blazed, my bud, my bottle, what i was listening to and something else,...
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Cheers but it's not courage i am concerned about but my fucking sanity. I can't figure out why i'd actually go out dressed like that. All i can say is that i was drunk both in the afternoon (sobered up) and got drunk again in the evening - obviously i needed to.
HOw are you posting you pics cause hey're not showing. I had the same problem for a bit. Click on the pic and select open pic in a new window and caopy / paste that like ito the image thing. For a while i was opening the link in a new window and not openning the pic in a new window. See if that works.
HOw are you posting you pics cause hey're not showing. I had the same problem for a bit. Click on the pic and select open pic in a new window and caopy / paste that like ito the image thing. For a while i was opening the link in a new window and not openning the pic in a new window. See if that works.

hey hey everyone one whats the deal?! well i am closing out an interesting day. the whole family from my moms side got together (uncles and aunts and a few cousins, not all) and we were supposed to be celebrating my grandparents birthdays as they are so close together and my eldest uncle though it to be the best time to air out some family...
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welcome to the bcb group sorry it too so long
I promote both bad behavior and drinking.
"between the sheets" by the Isley Brothers is putting me to sleep, smooth song but im tired too, and bored, sleep might work i need sleep, i need tomorrows paycheck too, money is sweet especially its always sweet
like, off of the internet