sigh, lessons for the past week...

people screw up, people are slaves to our baser natures sometimes and that's often worked out to my advantage at least as much as to my disadvantage.

make sure you know what you're really angry about and deal with that.

as they say in grosse pointe blank, i say forget about forgiving and just accept.

and get the hell...
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mad For the record, going to the party/bar/etc with one partner only to openly ditch them for another before the end of the night and having the fucking temerity to try and kiss the original partner goodbye on your way out after being repeatedly asked to reconsider or at least let the original partner have the dignity of leaving before hand is EXTREMELY FUCKING VILE, TRASHY,...
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A few weeks ago while working at the shelter a man accused us on the phone of trying to "Jew him", i.e. take his money and rip him off by not giving him anything substantive in return, or something to that effect. He wanted to return a dog he adopted several months ago that we told him had behavior problems and told him exactly what...
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Post your votes here:

Sex-Addict Rabbinical Student


Compulsive Alchoholic Actor in an MFA Program

My future is yours to decide!!

at least i have something to look forward to then....
it will happen quietly, secret, somewhere out of sight, out of mind. there will be no alarms, no frantic newscasts on the 24 hour media channels, no stoic anchormen announcing the epoch's end. it will all nearly pass us by without notice, slinking into the cracks and crevices of our lives, settling in like a loafing lover in your flat and before you know it...
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My appendix is dead.

Vive le appendix! Injuries this year thus far:

Late Dec/Early January: Ulnar nerve palsey and severe carpal tunnel syndrome on right hand.

Mid February: Three severe cat bites on my right pinky, ring and middle finger. Two bites and a deep scratch on palm and side of right hand. Cat was my mother's hefty fella' Bushi (who thinks he's a dog)...
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why does harry potter make you sad?
is it a joke you have to know the story to get?
i heart harry potter- well not so much him as the books.
that is all.
awww! I wish i worked with kitty cats! i have two of them, and i don't have the capacity to care for more. i wish i did though. stupid bastards who don't spay their pets. defintately one of my top "pet peeves," pun not intended.
Been away from the internet and other modes of communication for a few weeks, it seems. Once upon a time I couldn't manage a few hours without checking my email, my voicemail, etc, but over the past few months I found myself growing ever more isolationist (personally, not politically...WWII was an obligation of ours towards the global community, etc and such and so forth.) Sometimes...
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Whoo-hoo! Unemployment ends. Now I work for the humane society and will find a home for every animal or die trying...
yay! i almost went for a job there, but unfortunately it's not accessible by bus, and i do not drive. so i'm glad that at least someone gets to do it. pet the kitties for me.
I would love to have your job. I'm so in love with stray animals, especially dogs ... I turn into a bumbling-baby-talking-moron everytime I'm around them. Oh puppies: you make me happy. Actually, I'm planning on getting a dog from the H.S. in May when I move into an apartment that allows dogs. I was cast in the show, thankfully, but I didn't get the role I wanted. However, I remain humble and graciously accept the role that I was given. I still have the chance to make my mark on the show, even if I don't have a principle role. Besides, now I can audition for "Oklahomo" too. wink