I got back from Chicago this morning just before the snow hit London and flights being cancelled and delayed THANK GOD.
Aiko seeing snow for the first time (out the window)

I had a wonderful time, I got to see my darlings Dimples and Bellebane. They took me to dinner and then we had some titty bathroom shenanigans, as you do. I took some instax to share with you (and to keep to perve over myself :p) I love this site, i have made so many new friends
and they're all HAWT.


My bottom aka the shelf)

Dimples brought her Hard Girls, Soft Light book along and Bellebane and I signed our pages. I know I've said it previously but I am honestly so happy and amazed I made the book and it is wonderful! I am so glad I got to look through it, it has beautiful ladies and beautiful photos.

I also managed to fit in a visit to Millenium Park to see the bean! It was a beautiful clear day, freezing cold but sunny. I do love winter. I also took my little old 35mm camera too so more photos soon.

Some mish mash of photos from Christmas, New Year and random.
Drunk with my best friend

My brother and I (HAHA)


Reading The Wind up Bird Chronicle by Murakami and kitty cuddles.

New JC
(plus my thigh is now finished)

Aiko opening her Christmas present

oh hai.

my shelf.

Another little teaser for you from my new set in MR on 24th Feb shot by Waikiki

and still in MR by Dwam
What she said

I also found a couple of old SG images from when I was a hopeful of sets I deleted!

I found this poem the other day and I thought I'd share it's called On the Death of a Favourite Cat Drowned in a tub of Gold Fishes
Aiko seeing snow for the first time (out the window)

I had a wonderful time, I got to see my darlings Dimples and Bellebane. They took me to dinner and then we had some titty bathroom shenanigans, as you do. I took some instax to share with you (and to keep to perve over myself :p) I love this site, i have made so many new friends

My bottom aka the shelf)

Dimples brought her Hard Girls, Soft Light book along and Bellebane and I signed our pages. I know I've said it previously but I am honestly so happy and amazed I made the book and it is wonderful! I am so glad I got to look through it, it has beautiful ladies and beautiful photos.

I also managed to fit in a visit to Millenium Park to see the bean! It was a beautiful clear day, freezing cold but sunny. I do love winter. I also took my little old 35mm camera too so more photos soon.

Some mish mash of photos from Christmas, New Year and random.
Drunk with my best friend

My brother and I (HAHA)


Reading The Wind up Bird Chronicle by Murakami and kitty cuddles.

New JC

Aiko opening her Christmas present

oh hai.

my shelf.

Another little teaser for you from my new set in MR on 24th Feb shot by Waikiki

and still in MR by Dwam
What she said

I also found a couple of old SG images from when I was a hopeful of sets I deleted!

I found this poem the other day and I thought I'd share it's called On the Death of a Favourite Cat Drowned in a tub of Gold Fishes
That's all for now! Love you all
waiting for your beautiful new set, must be beautiful
i don't get why your set is stifll in MR -.-' i sometimes dont understand staff, anyaway, your new upcoming set looks amazeballs <3