Well where do I start. I have been so busy...
I'll start with working the SG booth at The London tattoo convention. I had a blast meeting girls I haven't met before and seeing some old faces which was lovely! It was so fun to hang out with everyone and see some awesome tattooers from around the world. Photos speak louder than words so here you go. Some of the ladies include:
Radeo, Leon, Gogo, Tie, Vine Bow, Keiko and a few others! Got to meet the lovely Sinnah and Galda showed up too!
Love them all!

Me and Lass


Thank you for everyone who came making it so much fun!
I also got to see the lovely Totem and Mr DrewBeckett
Been spending lots of time with my little kitty when I'm not working.

She was really sick the other day. I came home from work and she was acting really funny and walking off balance. I rushed her down the Vet's and she had a load of blood tests, then she was sick every time she ate. So she had more tests and is now much better, thank goodness I was so worried!

Poor thing has been shaven loads, so she is a bit patchy.
I got tattooed. It's not finished yet

I have been on holiday too, to the beautiful Caribbean island Antigua. It was so beautiful there and so nice to spend some time with my boy.I really didn't want to come home!

Had a quick little trip over to LA last weekend

I joined Lass on a shoot yesterday with @spidergeek (on instagram) I was a creeper.

We may have caught the attention of the office workers across the way...

This girl is a dream, she is what you imagine and more. She is so lovely!
Think that is all for now! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @saiylorsuicide
Lots of love
= ^ . ^ =

I'll start with working the SG booth at The London tattoo convention. I had a blast meeting girls I haven't met before and seeing some old faces which was lovely! It was so fun to hang out with everyone and see some awesome tattooers from around the world. Photos speak louder than words so here you go. Some of the ladies include:
Radeo, Leon, Gogo, Tie, Vine Bow, Keiko and a few others! Got to meet the lovely Sinnah and Galda showed up too!

Me and Lass


Thank you for everyone who came making it so much fun!

I also got to see the lovely Totem and Mr DrewBeckett

Been spending lots of time with my little kitty when I'm not working.

She was really sick the other day. I came home from work and she was acting really funny and walking off balance. I rushed her down the Vet's and she had a load of blood tests, then she was sick every time she ate. So she had more tests and is now much better, thank goodness I was so worried!

Poor thing has been shaven loads, so she is a bit patchy.
I got tattooed. It's not finished yet

I have been on holiday too, to the beautiful Caribbean island Antigua. It was so beautiful there and so nice to spend some time with my boy.I really didn't want to come home!

Had a quick little trip over to LA last weekend

I joined Lass on a shoot yesterday with @spidergeek (on instagram) I was a creeper.

We may have caught the attention of the office workers across the way...

This girl is a dream, she is what you imagine and more. She is so lovely!
Think that is all for now! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @saiylorsuicide
Lots of love
= ^ . ^ =

So many beautifull pictures *_*
And i'm in love with your cat :3