Hello lovelies,
Right, where to begin. As usual I have been travelling with work has been a very busy month.
Firstly, I got my hair cut... Decided to get my fringe cut back in.

Was lucky enough to go to Rio this month, wasn't there for very long so was a tiring trip but it is a beautiful place. Did manage to fit in some sun, shopping and drinks!

Got to shoot a set with the beautiful Waikiki she is amazing!

(I stole this from her blog)
Also got the see her shoot lovely Apory as well!

I have been to Chicago again. There was a weird fog/cloud surrounding the skyscrapers when I got there was amazing!

Been to Africa too this past month;
Nairobi. The weather was amazing! We had really bad thunder storms for about 12 hours and torrential rain, actually got stuck there an extra night because our plane got struck by lightning and it has to be checked for damage in daylight so not much sun this time.

Also, had my first trip to Abuja. I was a bit apprehensive to go because of what has been going on there recently however it was all fine and managed to catch some sun this time.

I am lucky that I get to see so many sunsets/sunrises where ever I go because I am usually travelling really early or late. This was the sunrise in Abuja about 6.00am.
I got a new book and a little robot bookmark friend.

Can anyone recommend any other good books? This is just a selection of weird, short stories and I have a lot of time to read these days. I like a mixture of genres from horror, crime, thrillers also history and non fiction so quite a wide interest.
As you all saw on my last blog, my boy and I are getting a scottish fold Kitten. We went back to visit her on the weekend because it's still three weeks until we can take her home so the breeder said we could come and visit her
She has grown a little bit since we last saw her three weeks ago, her eyes are changing from a baby blue to yellow/gold. She has also started to grown whispy bits around her ears.

This is our little one with her brother, who is just blue and white.

Oh, by the way we have decided to call her Aiko
Just for LOLZ

I think that is everything for now!
Love Saiylor
Right, where to begin. As usual I have been travelling with work has been a very busy month.
Firstly, I got my hair cut... Decided to get my fringe cut back in.

Was lucky enough to go to Rio this month, wasn't there for very long so was a tiring trip but it is a beautiful place. Did manage to fit in some sun, shopping and drinks!

Got to shoot a set with the beautiful Waikiki she is amazing!

(I stole this from her blog)
Also got the see her shoot lovely Apory as well!

I have been to Chicago again. There was a weird fog/cloud surrounding the skyscrapers when I got there was amazing!

Been to Africa too this past month;
Nairobi. The weather was amazing! We had really bad thunder storms for about 12 hours and torrential rain, actually got stuck there an extra night because our plane got struck by lightning and it has to be checked for damage in daylight so not much sun this time.

Also, had my first trip to Abuja. I was a bit apprehensive to go because of what has been going on there recently however it was all fine and managed to catch some sun this time.

I am lucky that I get to see so many sunsets/sunrises where ever I go because I am usually travelling really early or late. This was the sunrise in Abuja about 6.00am.
I got a new book and a little robot bookmark friend.

Can anyone recommend any other good books? This is just a selection of weird, short stories and I have a lot of time to read these days. I like a mixture of genres from horror, crime, thrillers also history and non fiction so quite a wide interest.
As you all saw on my last blog, my boy and I are getting a scottish fold Kitten. We went back to visit her on the weekend because it's still three weeks until we can take her home so the breeder said we could come and visit her

She has grown a little bit since we last saw her three weeks ago, her eyes are changing from a baby blue to yellow/gold. She has also started to grown whispy bits around her ears.

This is our little one with her brother, who is just blue and white.

Oh, by the way we have decided to call her Aiko

Just for LOLZ

I think that is everything for now!
Love Saiylor
I have a few portraits for you, only need your email adress to send them over.