So I have been thinking....well more contemplating whether or not I should shoot my own set. I am quite the perfectionist and now I know SG a little better than I used to and I now feel slightly more confident in myself.
I have a photography degree but shooting this kind of stuff is completely different to what I do for my own practice. Though I feel I should try and give it a go at some point. ( is actually very differcult trying to focus in the right place etc hats off to Holley, BetteJean and others who have achieved this with great success!) I am not planning on doing this anytime soon as I want to practice and get better with digital photography as it is completely different to film which I use all the time.
Enough blabbering trying to justify myself...I had a little practice...Here is one let me know what you think...
Also had a brilliant Saturday night with Secretary, Sky, Wilona, Umeko, Vermin, Mark Plus Beer, DrewBeckett,Fry, KaiKai, CreamyGoodness just to name a few!
We did a pub crawl for [MEMBER=Fry's] birthday from Archway to Camden! I joined the rabble at Tufnell Park an things proceeded to turn in to one drunken rampage of fun! I don't actually remember much come to think of it, I do remember asking Sky if her buttons were poppers in which if the answer was yes, I was going to rip open her dress (as you do) but she beat me to it...damn. Oh yeah, JENGER! Handbag vodka... and mine and [MEMBER=Wilona's] deep and meaningful chat whilst I was having a wee... Good night chaps!!!
Here's a few piccys I'm sure some of you will want to kill me for mwahahaha!
Thats all for now guy! Enjoy! Hehe!
I have a photography degree but shooting this kind of stuff is completely different to what I do for my own practice. Though I feel I should try and give it a go at some point. ( is actually very differcult trying to focus in the right place etc hats off to Holley, BetteJean and others who have achieved this with great success!) I am not planning on doing this anytime soon as I want to practice and get better with digital photography as it is completely different to film which I use all the time.
Enough blabbering trying to justify myself...I had a little practice...Here is one let me know what you think...
Also had a brilliant Saturday night with Secretary, Sky, Wilona, Umeko, Vermin, Mark Plus Beer, DrewBeckett,Fry, KaiKai, CreamyGoodness just to name a few!
We did a pub crawl for [MEMBER=Fry's] birthday from Archway to Camden! I joined the rabble at Tufnell Park an things proceeded to turn in to one drunken rampage of fun! I don't actually remember much come to think of it, I do remember asking Sky if her buttons were poppers in which if the answer was yes, I was going to rip open her dress (as you do) but she beat me to it...damn. Oh yeah, JENGER! Handbag vodka... and mine and [MEMBER=Wilona's] deep and meaningful chat whilst I was having a wee... Good night chaps!!!
Here's a few piccys I'm sure some of you will want to kill me for mwahahaha!
Thats all for now guy! Enjoy! Hehe!
it was only a small snipped of crazyness of the weekend!
mwa mwa