Right so after a 12 hour flight here, nakard and jetlagged..ive done so much! been pampered beyond belief, countless massages etc but its been lovely
This weekend i went to Pattaya, which is quite notorious touristy place but we went to this sailing club where my auntie and uncle belong to, so i was able to go out on their catamaran! at first i was shitting myself coz im terrified of sharks and jellyfish..lucky for me my uncle told me that there isn't any sharks apprently..so i felt a little better. we sailed about 8 miles to a little island off the coast of Pattaya called Kosak. As soon as we got near the island the sea went bright turquoise and pale white sand, it was beautiful. i jumped off the boat in to the water and it was so warm and clear. We then went snorkelling on the reef there, was amazing! so loads of fish and sea cucumbers, just beautiful! it really made me appreciate everything right then and there, just seeing nature at its best. it was pretty much deserted so we sat there for a little while in the sunshine and collected my thoughts..we then headed back out on the boat, there was alot more wind on the way out so i conquered my fear of the sea and went out on the wire, which bascially on a catamaran to keep it from capcising and stuff (im not good with sailing technical terms) u have to attach yourself to this wire and lean over backwards off the boat, but it was so fun! going really fast over the sea with waves splashing up getting salt water in my eyes! really exciting! that night we sat on the beach and watched the sunset
Since then I've been back in Bangkok walking around and just experiencing Thailand from a different point of view rather than a tourist point of view which has been really amazing, making friends with the locals, my Thai's awful though, so i can only say hello and thank you haha. Been out to dinner alot as its pretty cheap, thai food is lovely i came out here two years ago, but i feel much more appreciative now i am back again and understand the place a little bit more.
I did go to a place in Bangkok called Soi Cowboy, which is where the strip clubs and bars are. so obvisously i couldnt resist but to go in. I saw all these young beautiful thai ladies dancing and stripping, i couldnt take my eyes off them. I also saw a show where they smoked and fire darts which pop balloons out of there fufu's! it was amazing!! hehe. sadlly no pictures, we werent allowed to take any!
Went to this really amazing place in the middle of the city last fri called Vertigo. We were able to go up to the 61st floor and watch the sunset with cocktails, absolutly beautiful! I've seen so many beautiful sunsets here and they never get boring!
Hows the U.K been? I've heard the weather in London has beena bit crap...its raining here at the moment though, but it is monsoon season and this is only the 3rd time its rained so not bad going!
Sorry im rambling iv got so much to tell but its all like BLAH! lol. iv uploaded some pics to show what iv been doing rather than rambling at you.
Love from Bangkok xxxxxxx
Right so after a 12 hour flight here, nakard and jetlagged..ive done so much! been pampered beyond belief, countless massages etc but its been lovely
This weekend i went to Pattaya, which is quite notorious touristy place but we went to this sailing club where my auntie and uncle belong to, so i was able to go out on their catamaran! at first i was shitting myself coz im terrified of sharks and jellyfish..lucky for me my uncle told me that there isn't any sharks apprently..so i felt a little better. we sailed about 8 miles to a little island off the coast of Pattaya called Kosak. As soon as we got near the island the sea went bright turquoise and pale white sand, it was beautiful. i jumped off the boat in to the water and it was so warm and clear. We then went snorkelling on the reef there, was amazing! so loads of fish and sea cucumbers, just beautiful! it really made me appreciate everything right then and there, just seeing nature at its best. it was pretty much deserted so we sat there for a little while in the sunshine and collected my thoughts..we then headed back out on the boat, there was alot more wind on the way out so i conquered my fear of the sea and went out on the wire, which bascially on a catamaran to keep it from capcising and stuff (im not good with sailing technical terms) u have to attach yourself to this wire and lean over backwards off the boat, but it was so fun! going really fast over the sea with waves splashing up getting salt water in my eyes! really exciting! that night we sat on the beach and watched the sunset
Since then I've been back in Bangkok walking around and just experiencing Thailand from a different point of view rather than a tourist point of view which has been really amazing, making friends with the locals, my Thai's awful though, so i can only say hello and thank you haha. Been out to dinner alot as its pretty cheap, thai food is lovely i came out here two years ago, but i feel much more appreciative now i am back again and understand the place a little bit more.
I did go to a place in Bangkok called Soi Cowboy, which is where the strip clubs and bars are. so obvisously i couldnt resist but to go in. I saw all these young beautiful thai ladies dancing and stripping, i couldnt take my eyes off them. I also saw a show where they smoked and fire darts which pop balloons out of there fufu's! it was amazing!! hehe. sadlly no pictures, we werent allowed to take any!
Went to this really amazing place in the middle of the city last fri called Vertigo. We were able to go up to the 61st floor and watch the sunset with cocktails, absolutly beautiful! I've seen so many beautiful sunsets here and they never get boring!
Hows the U.K been? I've heard the weather in London has beena bit crap...its raining here at the moment though, but it is monsoon season and this is only the 3rd time its rained so not bad going!
Sorry im rambling iv got so much to tell but its all like BLAH! lol. iv uploaded some pics to show what iv been doing rather than rambling at you.
Love from Bangkok xxxxxxx
I have never been to thailand i would love to go though. So some of your family live out there? or just do they have a place there?
Where are you from?