I don't have a lot to talk about...

I'm single again... work sucks... I've been planning out a novel the past two days... although I'd prefer to just call it a story cause I'm just creating the characters so I don't know if it will actually end up being a novel...

I have an awesome show coming up at a brewery on Halloween (seriously... a...
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do you watch Reaper?? Loving the top right picture on your profile - you look just like Sock

it is so shit when that happens - and you know when you do it you'll never get it that way again so you gotta get the most out of it lol.
Wow so it's been awhile.

Updates on my life...

I gots a lady friend now, all officiated and everything, she's pretty awesome

My band has our first show in a little over a month, I'm stoked about it plus it's at a bar so theres gonna be some drankin goin on! (we play better inebriated... and you hear better inebriated)

I have to take a...
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haha i dont even want to think of it!
grandpas naked is just.
just no tongue
how are you =]
So I got the color done in on my tattoo last night. Looks real good but could probably use a touch up.

Hung out with my friend Brandon and watched The Life Before Her Eyes, pretty good movie even though it is really just anti-abortion propaganda.

Then he was all tired and stuff so I left and went to the bar, spent most of the...
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So my weekend was good

Friday went and saw Whiskey Folk Ramblers and met up friend whom I haven't talked to for about three months cause we were on bad terms, we went and saw Star Trek, our friendship is getting back on track.

Star Trek was good but not amazing, then went to the bar and saw a free show with Brickfight, then to...
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So I don't think it's going to work with this girl...

women going through a divorce... think I'll pass... yup... ah well! There be more fishies in the sea (though I don't know why I'd date a fish...)

I got the outline of the Watership Down tattoo... and was going to use my next check to get the color, but due to my cars ignition...
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i just checked that out on the shop - looks good...though i don't think it's made from the same MEGA COMFY material that mine is tongue
haha fine, i guess we'll have to just draw a truce on the comfy war.
Advice needed!

So I hooked up with this girl Friday night, real pretty, and amazing in bed... took her to her car Saturday morning, got her number, etc.

Texted her monday and after she finally responded (she lives in the middle of nowhere so reception is bad) we texted back and forth a bit, I asked her what she was doing tomorrow (today) and she...
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I would have to say bad idea on that one.
I hate to admit this about women...seeing as I am one. But Women like the games. You can't just say.. take me or don't. You have to work at it and if it works out great, if not...move on and try again. I understand that you are getting frusterated and tired of being single and wasteing your time, but..well..that's just how life goes. I think if you are THAT blunt about it, you might just scare her away even if she might have stuck around otherwise.
On the other hand....you could deffinatly drop hints. The type of dates you go on will let her know if you want to be serious or just want to mess around (Dinner, movie, wine, flowers, etc= serious. Bar= not so serious) You could even casually throw into a conversation that you are hoping for a serious relationship. Without directly asking her if she wants to be in a serious relationship with you. That way she can think it over on her own and she wont feel pressured to give you an answer. She probably doesn't even KNOW what she wants, especially if she is going through a divorce.
My opinion.
And I could easily be wrong here too. Do what you think you should do, what you think would be best. Hell..just do whatever you want. Things have a way of working themselves out. Good lucksmile

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

you're probably thinking...who the fuck are you and why are you giving me advice!?!?
Ya...I'm just bored and I saw "Advice needed!" and figure.. what the hell. lol

Bad idea- I'd say bring it up a few dates later or when you start to feel more of a connection- which will take time for her to feel as well... The "your last relationship" conversation will come in time..

I agree with Syl on the type of date thing or sure.
I was going to write quite a long blog but on second thought...

nope... it would be most illogical to do so, because all of two people would read it, maybe three

I suppose it wouldn't be too out of mind for someone to wonder just how often someone thinks about them however...

I really doubt it's all that much... as I tend to think...
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Band things are looking up and up and up!

Might have a new lead guitarist, and the drummer and I recorded 8 demo songs today!

I'll obviously keep those few of you who actually read this updated... hopefully shows by summer
So I watched this amazing movie today...

My cat can eat a WHIOLE watermelon!!!
