Alright sooo apparently the NT has a lot of random long weekend, Tell you what I'm not complaining. its 11 on a Monday and I'm sitting in front of my computer, in boxes, drinking coffee...Try and tell me thats not a win!
So I've had low self esteem most of my life, It's just been part of me. Just recently I've been made aware that maybe I'm not as bad as I think I am. It's not that I'm out to find a new Girl or anything, I just want to be me for a bit. But some of my close Female friends have really helped me figure out that I'm not as bad as I think I am.
On the other hand, I need to find a new place to live, which brings another issue of questions up. Do I live by my lonesome? do I get a flat mate? Can I afford to live by myself and still save enough to travel at the end of the year? Ahhh the possibility's!! Maybe I should write a list...
Anyways I'm going to go Be a nerd, Paint Models and play ESO..
have fun all!