Thought I'd drop a quick line and inform everyone that I'm still alive, just really really busy atm!!! miss ya all, will have a proper blog up explaining everything soon!!! much love! Saint V xo
More Blogs
Friday Jul 01, 2011
EVERY TIME!! I do it to myself every time! "saint your going to a con… -
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
Ever Look back? Have you Ever looked back on life and realized how… -
Monday Jun 13, 2011
How do people deal with there exs? Cause normally I can deal wi… -
Tuesday Jun 07, 2011
Been Way To long since my Last Blog.... So Everything is changing … -
Monday May 30, 2011
Weddings, I hate to admit it, But normally all I can think about … -
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Only Aussie's will Understand this blog! COME ON QUEENSLAND … -
Sunday May 22, 2011
NEW FLASH!!!! Ok Ladies and Gentleman Level with me. I dont own a… -
Saturday May 21, 2011
Snuff By Slipknot!! Awesome Video Clip possibly one of the best I'v… -
Monday May 16, 2011
Well Guess What? IM LEAVING AGAIN!!!! Dammit!! hasn't even been a fu… -
Wednesday May 11, 2011
I"m Back!!! And I missed SG Way to much!!! Two weeks in a Freezing…