Thought I'd drop a quick line and inform everyone that I'm still alive, just really really busy atm!!! miss ya all, will have a proper blog up explaining everything soon!!! much love! Saint V xo
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 07, 2012
LONG WEEKEND LETS DO THIS!!! *cricket chirping* Wait I'm in T… -
Monday Jun 04, 2012
Well best way to spend a monday night?? kicking the shit out of a box… -
Sunday May 27, 2012
Three of the most painful things to ever hear. 1 "Are we Ok?" 2… -
Tuesday May 22, 2012
Hello my beautiful and/or insane friends. So its been a while sinc… -
Thursday Apr 12, 2012
Right. I've decided I need to run away with my camera for a couple… -
Thursday Mar 22, 2012
So I'm currently on my brothers IPad that I commandeered. Hasn't m… -
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
So Lets discuss soundwave yesterday. All I can say is.....I can di… -
Wednesday Feb 22, 2012
Been Freaking AGES since I had a chance to blog!! how is everyone Goi… -
Monday Jan 30, 2012
So Work Begins! Not gonna lie its kinda interesting..not what I reall… -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
So how is everyone Going? Seems to me there is a lot of Hate circu…