Dammit I Blinked and it was over, Ah well another fun exciting week of work. ok I dont think the words "fun", "exciting" and "work" should never be used together in a sentence!!
To all you wonderful people going to soundwave party extra hard for me k? cause im stuck here. need a job that i can just leave and travel when i want!!!
Well I hope you all have a brilliant week,
Saint V
Dammit I Blinked and it was over, Ah well another fun exciting week of work. ok I dont think the words "fun", "exciting" and "work" should never be used together in a sentence!!
To all you wonderful people going to soundwave party extra hard for me k? cause im stuck here. need a job that i can just leave and travel when i want!!!
Well I hope you all have a brilliant week,
Saint V
i have one tattoo'd on my shoulder. green tree frog