I survived!!
Too all the concerned thanks!! Yasi was a Big girl and it was an amazing storm!!! lasted a whole night and most the next day!!
Ive spent the last couple of days working none stop. 14 hour shifts every day just trying to clean the place up! we got it pretty bad. I have never seen so many trees fucked before and so many power lines everywhere!
I suppose the good thing about working 14 hours a day is that I dont come home to my dark apartment! we lost power about 5 on Wednesday arvo and still dont have power!! I'm currently at a mates house stealing there power just to make a quick blog!!
Because of my travels in my Job I have some amazing pictures of the devastation that ill try post in a later post when I have power at my house!!
thanks to all!
Saint V xo
Too all the concerned thanks!! Yasi was a Big girl and it was an amazing storm!!! lasted a whole night and most the next day!!
Ive spent the last couple of days working none stop. 14 hour shifts every day just trying to clean the place up! we got it pretty bad. I have never seen so many trees fucked before and so many power lines everywhere!
I suppose the good thing about working 14 hours a day is that I dont come home to my dark apartment! we lost power about 5 on Wednesday arvo and still dont have power!! I'm currently at a mates house stealing there power just to make a quick blog!!
Because of my travels in my Job I have some amazing pictures of the devastation that ill try post in a later post when I have power at my house!!
thanks to all!
Saint V xo
good to hear it mate
good to hear that your okay .. Im sure there is still a heap a work to do still so sending you strength xoxo