So last night was interesting. I really can't get away from this girl she's full on haunting me. Cept the heart strings are cut now. So It's less pain and more funny anymore. Last night I was going to go draw at a strip club. Yeah it's cheaper than taking a live nude art class. Still my roommate got off work late. So sadly, that didn't happen. We went to the local bar area instead and proceeded to get full on crazy drunk. Even got to have a snow ball fight with about 100 other people at the outside donut shop for their Christmas lighting ceremony. There was powdered sugar everywhere. Quite possibly one of the best nights in the ville. Then we proceeded to hit a few more bars. One of which had the girl in it with her new guy whom might I add now obviously hates me. He gave me a lack luster high five and then walked out of the bar while Kelly and I danced around inside. My roommate fearing a set back yanked me out and we went off to Mae's my favorite bar to get drinks. Where i met a very nice nude model. lol Guess I got to talk to a girl who gets naked for money anyway lol. After that we took off for IHOP where I predicted Kelly would show up. Low and behold she came running in and gave me a monster hug. Now her table was on the other side of IHOP. So CJ and I settled in to eat and discuss the crazy night. She comes running over and sits with us. The whole meal she is just there in our both while her... love of her life was sitting with the rest of her friends. Most assurably feeling awkward as all hell because his girl was with another guy in another booth. Which he made apparent when he brought her sweet tea. Setting it in front of me and saying this is for Kelly. I passed it over. He stood there a bit and then walked back to his table. I know I probably shouldn't take so much joy in this but man it was awesome. We finished and I hugged her goodbye and rolled out. Talking to CJ about how much that dude didn't like me. Was a good night. I see that whole thing falling to fire. Best part is I don't have to worry about it. Cause I'm free. I am gloriously free. Hope to see the nude model again soon. She was pretty cool. As for Kelly she can lay in the bed she is making. If he wasn't a jealous guy it probably wouldn't be a problem. I get a feeling he is and this is eating at him in a big bad way. I kinda feel villainous... I love it.