Looks like theres not much more we can do for flood relief. In a way I'm glad it's over. I'm back home and don't have to deal with shit water anymore. Though I'm gonna miss the endless supply of dumpstered vegan food and collective diners.
Defiance Ohio shows are awesome! I've only had the pleasure twice but both times were amazing! Last night was marvelous. Imagine a small room full of anarcho punks jumping, bumping and climbing all over each other like a box full off hamsters! Yeah, they have that kind of effect. Check them out if you've never heard of them. Which I'm sure you haven't. www.defianceohio.terrorware.com DIY...
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I've just seen the last few episodes of Samurai Champloo. Best conclusion in anime ever! Better then Trigun and Cowboy Bebop put together! Of course I'm kinda drunk and therefore very impressionable but still, I loved it! Also I'm going to Ska Weekend! www.skaweekend.com Big D and The Kids Table better play New England or else they'll hear from me!That's all I have to say...
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Fuck The Trotskys! What's the diffrence between totalitarianism and fascism? The name. I would love to work with non-hierarchal, grass roots democracy, anti-athoritarian socialists. But we're got gonna find them in that mess of a group. Why the hell would a group that's suppose to be about fighting the capitalistic exploitation of workers meet at a coffee house that doesn't have fair trade? That's basic...
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Yeah, that was my first time reading my own work aloud. I rocked the cock, though!
I thoroughly enjoy your political rants...

I thoroughly enjoy your political rants...
Where've you disappeared to, kid?
I'm just gonna go on one of my rants here. This whole gay marriage thing is just a smoke screen issue to distract us from bigger things. Well since we're on this issue anyway, the main arguement I hear against gay marriage is that "god created adam and eve not adam and steve" or "the sacredness of marriage is between a man and a woman"...
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Oh man. I love that you have something substantial to say here.
[PS: I love political conversations with strangers. Unfortunatley, I don't oppose your position, else I'd start this shit up.
[PS: I love political conversations with strangers. Unfortunatley, I don't oppose your position, else I'd start this shit up.

I fucked up. Never tell your best friend how you really feel about them because you run the risk of losing them altogether. If i could take it back I would.
Anything worse then going to a show a hour away from where you live, going in at 9pm, coming out at 1am only to find your car towed, having to walk 45 mins and throwing down $110 to get it back?