Friday: El Greco at the Met in the afternoon. Fantastic stuff, mostly very religious, but loved looking at a version of Christ that looks like a real person.
Cannot believe how good the paintings were.
Here is a favorite
The kid is lit up from within, his light iluminates the faces of those around him, pretty cool.
Friday night: hit the Frying Pan with Some guy offered me drugs but I cannot trust anyone who walk up to me at a club and offers that sort of thing. Too paranoid about quality and cops I suppose. Comes from having all my old sources be friends who grew their own, now I cannot trust a stranger.
Saturday was a Wassail in Brooklyn. Turns out it was a party at one house, singing, a trip to an apple tree for more singing, and a walk to another house for food and drink and a home made play about St George and the Dragon.
Saw the best mother daughter team in the play. They played the dragon together, so damn cute. Last year the kid had been upset when the Mom/Dragon had died, so this year the Mom makes the kid part of the play to lessen the fear. Seems to have worked. What a cool Mom to have!
Then at night of Contra dancing ( ). Long day but fun.
Met a girl at the Contra dance that I like. But I still talked to other girls. One platonic lady friend told me that no one girl would like me as long as I continued to "flirt" with other girls at the same dance. The problem is how do I know which girls to like if I do not meet them? I see 3 girls that dance well, talk to them, find one that I want to know better and ask for a number. But because I have flirted with other girls I may have hurt my chances somehow, very frustrating. Nothing worse whn looking for a girlfriend, than seeming like you are looking for a girlfriend!
Sunday has been slow, just kicking back a playing with my new stilts here at the house. Tommorrow I go back to test again at the Temp agency to be a presentation operator again.
So is it true, that looking for a girl is a sure fire not to get one! lol
Cannot believe how good the paintings were.
Here is a favorite

The kid is lit up from within, his light iluminates the faces of those around him, pretty cool.
Friday night: hit the Frying Pan with Some guy offered me drugs but I cannot trust anyone who walk up to me at a club and offers that sort of thing. Too paranoid about quality and cops I suppose. Comes from having all my old sources be friends who grew their own, now I cannot trust a stranger.
Saturday was a Wassail in Brooklyn. Turns out it was a party at one house, singing, a trip to an apple tree for more singing, and a walk to another house for food and drink and a home made play about St George and the Dragon.
Saw the best mother daughter team in the play. They played the dragon together, so damn cute. Last year the kid had been upset when the Mom/Dragon had died, so this year the Mom makes the kid part of the play to lessen the fear. Seems to have worked. What a cool Mom to have!
Then at night of Contra dancing ( ). Long day but fun.
Met a girl at the Contra dance that I like. But I still talked to other girls. One platonic lady friend told me that no one girl would like me as long as I continued to "flirt" with other girls at the same dance. The problem is how do I know which girls to like if I do not meet them? I see 3 girls that dance well, talk to them, find one that I want to know better and ask for a number. But because I have flirted with other girls I may have hurt my chances somehow, very frustrating. Nothing worse whn looking for a girlfriend, than seeming like you are looking for a girlfriend!
Sunday has been slow, just kicking back a playing with my new stilts here at the house. Tommorrow I go back to test again at the Temp agency to be a presentation operator again.
So is it true, that looking for a girl is a sure fire not to get one! lol
hehe. Yes, the kitty is real. Her name is Hybrid and she weighs about 17 pounds. I use her as a pillow at night and she only eats cat food and green beans. Must be the green beans.haha.

That was me not Sagan. Some of what you are saying is very Sagan Cosmos like. Thanks for the response.