Bembes in Brookyln Rocks. A few dance realizations:
We all ride they great firey beast that is the living universe.
We are as cilia on the beast of life, pulsating with its inner fire but connected to it and to each other, and as small as a tiny hair on its body.
There is a perfect line that describes the path that the best version of ourselves in the best possible version of the universe will follw. We can want to follow that path, we can ride the wave that leads to that path, or we can choose to follow the path away from the perfect line. We may not be the ones who can always do it right. But we can want and try to improve. And who knows, maybe we are leading that life. Maybe, for a few minutes a day, we get to be on that line, living the best we possibly can. But we know for sure that the version of ourselves that is riding that perfect wave, WANTS to be there. So wanting to improve and be the best is part of living that life!
There is a perfect Ultimate reality. It exists to explain all that happens in the universe. Maybe there are 20 diiferent Universes, maybe 2, or 2000. Maybe it fluctuates. Maybe there is just the one. Maybe there is a sentient god, maybe not, maybe a 100. The point is that whatever it is, IT EXISTS. Maybe its even complete randomness, but the truth still exists. And you can have a true faith in that. Tne answer exisits. And all we can do is use our reason and faith in the universe to guide us. THere can be no discrepency between religion and science, both seek to explain and understand the ultimate universe. I know this sounds simple, but just knowing that there is an answer gives me great peace.
Maybe we can use Jesus to act as our goal in attaining the ultimate line. Not in the "o he is the son of god, lets praise him, and hope he doesn't send us to hell" bullshit. But in the ideal that there exists a version of man that is perfect and by seeing what a perfect man can accomplish, maybe we can grow in that direction ourselves. (Uh Oh relapsed catholic coming thru, quick somebody call my pagan 12 step sponsor!)
So should I continue to write miisives like this when I get home from dancing to New Rasta music? Is any of it intelligible? Or is it a complete bunch of nonsense that is best left in the head of a tired dancer at 330 in the morning? (Read "AM I crazy?! lol )
We all ride they great firey beast that is the living universe.
We are as cilia on the beast of life, pulsating with its inner fire but connected to it and to each other, and as small as a tiny hair on its body.
There is a perfect line that describes the path that the best version of ourselves in the best possible version of the universe will follw. We can want to follow that path, we can ride the wave that leads to that path, or we can choose to follow the path away from the perfect line. We may not be the ones who can always do it right. But we can want and try to improve. And who knows, maybe we are leading that life. Maybe, for a few minutes a day, we get to be on that line, living the best we possibly can. But we know for sure that the version of ourselves that is riding that perfect wave, WANTS to be there. So wanting to improve and be the best is part of living that life!
There is a perfect Ultimate reality. It exists to explain all that happens in the universe. Maybe there are 20 diiferent Universes, maybe 2, or 2000. Maybe it fluctuates. Maybe there is just the one. Maybe there is a sentient god, maybe not, maybe a 100. The point is that whatever it is, IT EXISTS. Maybe its even complete randomness, but the truth still exists. And you can have a true faith in that. Tne answer exisits. And all we can do is use our reason and faith in the universe to guide us. THere can be no discrepency between religion and science, both seek to explain and understand the ultimate universe. I know this sounds simple, but just knowing that there is an answer gives me great peace.
Maybe we can use Jesus to act as our goal in attaining the ultimate line. Not in the "o he is the son of god, lets praise him, and hope he doesn't send us to hell" bullshit. But in the ideal that there exists a version of man that is perfect and by seeing what a perfect man can accomplish, maybe we can grow in that direction ourselves. (Uh Oh relapsed catholic coming thru, quick somebody call my pagan 12 step sponsor!)
So should I continue to write miisives like this when I get home from dancing to New Rasta music? Is any of it intelligible? Or is it a complete bunch of nonsense that is best left in the head of a tired dancer at 330 in the morning? (Read "AM I crazy?! lol )

How was your night? I took the metrorail to Chinatown last night for drinks and go a ride back to Highland Park (outside of L.A.). It was great, I got to see a ton of my friends. That's always a plus!