I had a great time at the Party at Skryches place last night. His Doctor friend (OK edit to lady friend, I was trying to be discreet, but only God knows why! lol) is awesone and the liquor was flowing! I saw that certain someones (again the discreet gene kicks in) were learning to play twister a whole new way (thanks ****er**** for the game) (***er*** because her name changes every ten minutes! lol)(I thing I will write the rest of this is parentheses!)(Because all the great things you want to say are in little asides that you lean over to whisper in your friends ear anyway)(Am I right! lol)O Damn I fell out, shit.
So who here has heard of Wassailing?
(More to come, aw yea Back into the Parentheses!)
So who here has heard of Wassailing?
(More to come, aw yea Back into the Parentheses!)
Hey, I've been meaning to say Hi since the SGNY holiday party. It was fun hanging out w/you. I hop our paths cross again
Santa Barbara?